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#1 ramswo18
Member since 2009 • 252 Posts

Would you say that's it's an easy game to get into? I normally play fighters and shooters but puzzle games have always interested me although I don't believe I've ever owned one. As it stands now, this game really intrigues me and I'm debating on whether or not I should buy it or not. I've been reading some reviews on it and they're all relatively positive but they all complain about difficulty. I'm always up for a challenge and I beat the original DMC3 on Dante Must Die mode, sure they're different types of difficult you can say, but I guess it shows that I'm all for it.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, is it so difficult to the point that it isn't fun? Sorry if this belongs in the game recommendation thread but that thing isn't very useful to be honest and it's difficult to navigate, so again if this belongs in there I apologize.

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#2 ramswo18
Member since 2009 • 252 Posts

Mortal Kombat, but usually Gears 2 is in there.

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#4 ramswo18
Member since 2009 • 252 Posts



Jumping the gun a bit much, aren't you, TC?


I know I am, maybe if you would've read the entire post, you would've realized I said that it's probably too early. I just can't contain my excitement though, and from what I've SEEN, it's looking amazing and more impressed with it so far than any other game. Please, you're jumping the gun by assuming I didn't acknowledge the fact that it was a bit early to claim something to be GOTY. This is just pure speculation.

.......The topic being created was a leap in the wrong direction, TC. I read everything you wrote in your post & as stated by other members it was a leap. Of course, I am just putting my opinion out there so there's no need to go into offensive mode.

Sure, I can see your point I guess, but let's forget that. Gears 3 is looking like an amazing game, and at this pace, may eventually be GOTY.

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#5 ramswo18
Member since 2009 • 252 Posts

Jumping the gun a bit much, aren't you, TC?


I know I am, maybe if you would've read the entire post, you would've realized I said that it's probably too early. I just can't contain my excitement though, and from what I've SEEN, it's looking amazing and more impressed with it so far than any other game. Please, you're jumping the gun by assuming I didn't acknowledge the fact that it was a bit early to claim something to be GOTY. This is just pure speculation.

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#6 ramswo18
Member since 2009 • 252 Posts


I think the MW3 beta started back in 2009? Yeah, I'm pretty sure.


8) well played Its probably a joke, I think there is some form of hack that can be done to customise what you are shown to be playing

Yeah that's what I figured. I was just a bit confused as to how he was editing his avatar and playing MW3 at the same time. I doubt IW will make a beta for it anyway.

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#7 ramswo18
Member since 2009 • 252 Posts

I know, obviously it's a bit early to consider anything to be GOTY at the moment. Although with that said, this game is looking AMAZING. One of the reason many people disliked GOW 2, was because of the multiplayer. I think it's pretty safe to say that has been fixed with dedicated servers. more weapon variety, and just plain better balance. Then you got beast mode and horde 2.0, which both look like tons of fun when you want a bit of a break from playing the multiplayer. Then of course, you get the campaign which have always been great, and I expect more of the same.

Anyone else as excited for Gears 3 as I am? I never would've expected for this game to look this amazing. Hats off to EPIC Games for making, which looks like will be a fantastic game.

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#8 ramswo18
Member since 2009 • 252 Posts

I'm pretty positive that there hasn't been one released, but I was just looking on my friends list to see who was on. I saw an unfamiliar name, so I clicked on their profile to see who it was. To my surprise, I see Avatar Editor - Playing MW3 Beta - Main Menu. Huh?

Actually, I just looked again, and now it says Xbox 360 Dashboard - Playing MW3 Beta.

I don't know if this is real or not, but it's definitely a bit interesting. At least to me. I don't wanna message the guy and ask him, the only time we really talk is if none of us has friends current online playing Gears, so it'd be a bit weird if I just came out of nowhere with this message.

I don't know, any thoughts?

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#10 ramswo18
Member since 2009 • 252 Posts

I don't care for any of those guys. JUST GIVE ME ONE POWER STONE CHARACTER! JUST ONE!!