I'm not going to rant or anything, but is anyone else disappointed that not a single character made the game? Too think that one was left out for a Haggar....or a Chun-Li....or an Akuma...; it's just ridiculous...
ramswo18's forum posts
Devil May Cry 3 on Dante Must Die! mode....damn near impossible. And the original, not the special edition.
So about support characters. Will it be like a combination of MvC1 and 2's support, or will it just be like MvC2. What I means is like, how in MvC1 (if I remember correctly) you only had a certain amount of support character uses per match and/or round but, the support character was chosen at random. In MvC2 however, it was unlimited, and every match you play will be a support character spam fest and even more so, you got to choose who you wanted to be your support, AND you had 2 support characters.
So in MvC3, I've seen some videos that show that you at least get to choose your 2 support characters based on who you choose to fight with like MvC2, but will it be unlimited again? If someone knows can you please answer, and if it is.
Nah not anymore, gears 2 is my main game. I average about 10 kills 3 deaths a game now a days. Not trying to brag or anything, but I had the game for 2 years so it's pretty hard for someone to suck for that long.
Me with a sombrero. I gave it a pose that always do when talking to people, and I just think the sombrero is funny.
Or at least what type of mic is needed? I'd rather not walk around a store randomly looking for a mic that may not work, and usually employees are useless.
Thanks anyone.
If I remember correctly, you had to hit something that was on the right and left sides of the stage or something like that, then do something else. I remember doing that twice which took like 10 minutes each so I just said screw it, this is lame, and I didn't have fun leading up that anyway. Guess it was just a lack of patience on my part, but still it was really boring.I think he just kept hitting the "3 headed monster" a lot without figuring out how to beat it ... and got bored. It's a "hydra", by the way and they are very common in stories from ancient mythology, so i enjoyed mutilating it
:? if you like GoW3, you will definitely like GoW2. For a lot of GoW fans, GoW3 was a disappointment compared to GoW2. Well that's unless you are just liking the graphics.funsohng
Interesting. I'm someone that really doesn't care for graphics, I mean, I still play my PS2 from time to time so I think that shows how I feel.
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