Behold my idea for a very useful device: The Excusinator
Basically, The Excusinatorwould be a small button, virtually undetectable, that may be attached to any part of the body and simply look like a small blemish. Now, Imagine that you are talking to someone very annoying. You want to get away from them. Well, simply innocently bring your hand to the Excusinator, press it, and you phone will ring, allowing you to come up with any excuse. Medical emergency? Late for a meeting? The possibilities are endless! Who WOULDN'T buy this? So, anyone own a factory?
or you could grow some balls, tell them they're annoying, and stop talking to them. That always works for me :D
Yeah, it takes a real man to be rude.
sometimes it does, and sometimes that's what it takes for people to get the message.
trust me, I don't wanna be rude, but i'm speaking from experience here. I enjoy a good conversation, and i'm not gonna waste my time with some attention hog trying to tell about how wasted or stoned they got over the weekend, because they think it makes them look cool.
It's just not gonna happen.
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