okay, i just got another error when i started to reinstall it: "An error (-506 : 0x80070017) has occured while running the setup. Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications. If the error still occurs, please contact your vendor: Moonlith Productions (##ID_STRING7##),
i just bought fear at wal - mart about twenty minutes ago. i installed it, but when i started up the game the screen just went black. it's making me download some download helper from file planet. i can hear the game and everything, but i just can not see anything. blank. i don't know what to do. it's gonna take an hour to play the freaking thing.
pssht!!! corniest thing i've ever seen. it's too much trouble to go through to copy that floppy. now days you don't even use a floppy to copy games... more like dvd's or cd's, unless you're copying a really old game... which doesn't even amtter if you dothat 'cus nobody ever buys old games anymore. now you can just download them for free. i don't really consider that piracy, but more like just something you want to play for fun.. then never play again.
it's the best game i've played on gamecube. i love it. i'm playig it now, and it's sooo long, but it's so **** fun because you never get bored with it. it's addicting. my favorite game of all time so far. I LOVE IT.
well, i have a few other interests on the wii, especially in the future, but i think i'm just going to get the gamecube version. it's the one game i've been really wanting to play. i'm definitely getting a wii later on, but not till i find a better price for it. i'm prolly goign to trade my psp for the gamecube and zelda.
resident evil 4 is the best resident evil game that has came out. it's fun, you can interact, camera view is purrfekt. i'd get twilight princess though. that one looks fun.
ninja gaiden on psp!!! i just thought about it and thought it would be pretty cool to see it on a portable system. i remember the old old ninja gaidens taht were for nintendo... they were so hard and pissed you off badly, bt they were quite fun.
i want to play the new zelda game so badly that i was about to buy a nintendo wii the other day. i found out they were priced way too high and sold out everywhere. so should i get a gamecube and play twilight princess on that? or would it take the fun experience away from it?
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