@MrFreehuggs: It will probably be an hour like the others, but I'm with you I'm on the fence a for it and hopefully the trial is long enough to get a sense for the game. Also local co-op seems like it would be really cool for this game.
@MrFreehuggs: Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that Microsoft requires any game going into game preview program to have a trial for it.
@Noonewarrior: Most likely the only thing that is known is that ps4 will play it first which could mean an exclusive demo or other console versions will come at later time. Though I something yesterday that ICXM or Xbox MAD twitter sent a tweet saying square enix told them it was confirmed for xbox one but later deleted it. Besides that and the "ps4 console debut" the only other thing is EBgames Australia has a pre-order site for xbox one version. Also Ni No Nuni 2 may come to other platforms since it was also stated console debut and Shuhei Yoshida said this that to someone on twitter.
Good job to rocket league, but I was hoping ori and the blind forest would win best independent game. Hopefully they win best soundtrack because it was truly an amazing soundtrack.
@k9kal85: Really never actually seen a video saying its going to xbox one I'll look for it, though I was busy looking at lots of stuff for games so I probably missed it.
@strrckshn: There has been a little bit of evidence and rumors about an xbox one release. Though only really big one is there is some site actual has a pre-order page to order the xbox one version I think it is EBgames Australia. While this doesn't confirm it I imagine it will hit xbox mainly since it said playable first on ps4 when revealed, but it could mean pc. Though since recent final fantasy games have gone on xbox I imagine this one will too. Though better question is how long until it releases.
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