Not really a warcraft fan never played them and no nothing about them ,but I am intrigued and will probably go see this. It looks like it may be good, but I don't know if it is actually following a warcraft plot or anything.
@oflow: Yea people seem to forget all this stuff that is happening this gen happened last gen just reversed role. Personally more excite to see what MS does since they are doing first party approach and they have lots of franchises they can pick from that have been dormant for awhile. Also like the new games they have like scalebound, quantum break and recore looks like it could be good. Next year will be a good year for both consoles.
@bryanheir: I think No Man Sky will go to xbox one because it hasn't been stated no and when asked multiple times they state they can't comment or something along that line. If it wasn't going to go to x1 they would say so.
@EcksTheory: See you think I'm just a fanboy but I did "get' what is going on. I guess maybe to me its not as disjointed as other people, but it was a great campaign could improve some but I could still follow it.
@deaditelord: Yea the I think only 20ish games have been confirmed and Phil Spencer stated a week ago, I think, they most likely won't add any more games for preview members between now and when it launches next week. I just hope skyrim is one of the first 100.
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