@enoslives7 because they want to build everything around their bad investment which is kinect. I don't know why they continue to push that piece of trash. they should know going for the casual crowd is like a 1 hit wonder casuals just move on to the next hot thing where as core gamers will be around for years even decades to come.
@thefinalzapkeet @ravenkiller ive actually already ordered a ps4 you know the machine which dedicated 90% of it's ram to games. yea I'll think i'll get the machine with ddr5 instead of ddr3 ram without the spycam that can do business calls now.
@19James89 @ravenkiller yea you make perfect sense this is why this long time M$ fanboy has preodered a ps4 with bf4 and watchdogs im through with dealing with M$ and missing naughty dogs games.
@thefinalzapkeet you see hardcore gamers don't want resources spread around other meaningless crap they want all resources dedicated to games to get the maximum performance and developement from them. they dont want 3gb of there ram going to tv,sports,and power point presentations wwe want our gaming machine to be exactly what it was meant to be A GAMING MACHINE.
@19James89 @ravenkiller im so frustrated with them right now im speechless ive been a hardcore gamer for 30 years it's like them saying your group means nothing. smh
this is the wrong item to market to business owners I mean seriously M$ (referring to it's games division) what do you want to be a game console or an all in one media family computer with lower specs. at least I can upgrade a pc you can't upgrade an xbox one. it's like M$ is forgetting the meaning of a gaming console all together.
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