@airman20012001 because the higher ups at microsoft made a poor decision and invested too much money in it from the get go trying to be like the wii. but what they don't understand is casuals will only try a gimmick one time and move on. microsoft missed their casual window.
@fredburma @ravenkiller @Navardo95 played and beat that game myself. while it is pretty good it definately isn't GOTY. even Bioshock Infinite is better.
@Navardo95 @ravenkiller @fredburma so nothing this year deserves a 10? I think something this year should get a 10. it's like saying there is no GOTY this year.
so no game gets a 10 this year from gamespot? I mean the best 3 games this year are bioshock Infinite,the last of us and gta 5. and none of them gets a 10. there will be no games better than those this year I don't care what anybody says.
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