At least be honest with people... There is enough space on the disk and enough time to include this. They just want to force people to check-in online. Which is fine, their prerogative. But don't treat people like they are idiots
>Xbox confirms 'check in' required every 24 hours in order to play games...even physical, single player games. Must check in every hour if on another system.
Used game fee up to publishers...gee, I wonder how that will go. Can only give a game away once, and they must be a 'friend' (online) at least 30 days prior. So now they are regulating how you can give away a physical game you bought
Oh, and no rentals as of yet<
....hahahahahahahaha yeah, you can f*ck right off with that sales pitch
>Xbox confirms 'check in' required every 24 hours in order to play games...even physical, single player games. Must check in every hour if on another system.
Used game fee up to publishers...gee, I wonder how that will go. Can only give a game away once, and they must be a 'friend' (online) at least 30 days prior. So now they are regulating how you can give away a physical game you bought
Oh, and no rentals as of yet<
....hahahahahahahaha yeah, you can f*ck right off with that sales pitch
rawsavon's comments