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#1 rayjapan
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

It's apparently complaining about this download...Which seems really odd.spazzx625

I visit Gamespot frequently :-) and it seems that this just got flagged sometime this week... Not sure if there is anything the Gamespot sysadmins can do about it; users are posting 5 stars...I think that is all we can do. Norton Safe Web is usually right; but I guess false alarms always happen and are part of virus scanners, etc...

Odd that it gives Gamespot a big X for just one file (I'm sure the Gamespot site has many files)...

Thanks for looking into it!

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#2 rayjapan
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts


I am not sure if this is the place to contact the web site maintainers, but it seems that recently, Norton Safe Web has tagged gamespot as being unsafe. Perhaps the web maintainers would like to follow the steps indicated so that this tagging is removed?

The problem is mentioned here: http://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=gamespot.com

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#3 rayjapan
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Lol I was just looking for some advice or tips. If you didn't wanna help then just don't comment.

But whatever


No, it isn't about not wanting to help you; it's about doing your homework for you, which many people (including me) are against it. Many of us are going through school or have already gone through school and homework is *your* homework.

That said, in a marketing project, a "user survey" is perfectly legitimate and if you took what people said, categorized them into some chart/graph, and honestly mentioned in your project report that these were comments from a Gamespot discussion board, I think that is not only ok, but would add more to your report. So, I hope you do this... :-)

Assuming you are, then I'll answer your question... :-) My suggestion is for Sony to do nothing. Just hold on so that you don't lose money and cut jobs and it can win in the end due to the more superior system. And address any hardware problems properly. A PS3 is a few hundred dollars more than the alternatives, but if one can last (say) twice or three times the time, then that difference won't mean as much in the long run. This might be off-topic, but I'm very annoyed that the battery of virtually any Apple product fails in 18 months...and many cannot be replaced. No amount of advertising in the Superbowl can fix that...

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#4 rayjapan
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Sony is a corporation with an ethnocentric attitude. Which basically means that since their home country is Japan, they think that whatever works in Japan works in the rest of the world. Well obviously this doesn't work. Advertising is huge in America. Sony needs to make better ads that suit American tastes. It is rare to see a PS3 exclusive ad on TV and when I see one it is for Little Big Planet. Where is the advertising for Killzone 2 and Resistance 2. These are the types of games that most American men pay attention to, yet the advertising is lacking. I remember when Halo 3 came out. My TV screen was bombarded with Halo commercials because Microsoft know that advertising works in America. chathuranga

I'm sorry, but as someone who has watched both Japan and American TV, I feel that you are wrong in a few points.

First, you are assuming that Sony Japan and game developers in Japan do not advertise on Japanese tv. They do and so do XBox 360 developers. I've seen their ads many times. No, not bombarded, but there are ads and Japan is not as different from America as you think.

Second, let's not blame Sony. If a game is developed by (say) Capcom or Square Enix, it isn't Sony's responsibility to advertise for that game. Maybe they can nudge the companies and say, "Gee, an advertisement for the Superbowl would be nice" but ultimately, it isn't Sony's decision...

Third, we always think of Sony as a Japanese company. Yes, of course it is, but there are two semi-separate parts: Sony America and Sony Japan (the latter of which can perhaps just be called Sony). The decision to not have as many ads as Microsoft is most likely Sony America's decision. I'm sure Sony Japan just says, "Well, it's your country and your people...you probably know their tastes best...so you go do it.". Some of the blame may lie with Sony Japan, but not all of it...

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#5 rayjapan
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Hi all,

Thanks for your comments! The reason why I ask is that I have some Japanese games (perhaps like SF IV?) which have both languages, even though it is the Japanese version. The one that comes to mind is the Ratchet and Clank sequel (Quest for Booty). If you switch the system's language, you get the whole game (menus, voices, everything) in another language. I think it also had Spanish...

RE/Biohazard seems likely since Capcom seems to like that. The new movie that just came out (Degeneration) is in English and Japanese [haven't bought it, but that is what it says on the back of the case in stores].

Thanks; I'll take a look at the price of the import and decide if it's worth it... I'm sure alternate languages take only a small part of a disc...wish they start making it standard!

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#6 rayjapan
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone knows whether or not the Japanese version of RE5 has English...or enough English for you to play and know the story. I'm asking because I'd rather buy the Japanese version than import an English version by paying more money... I downloaded the demo and that was almost entirely in English (well, if you set the PS3 to English).


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#7 rayjapan
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Hello, i just have some questions...

turning it off...does it matter if it's always on (from the back) and the red light always on? is it bad for the PS3?

do i have to turn off the system and then turn it off from the back? does it really matter?

is there right and wrong ways of turning it on/off? what will happen if i turn it off a wrong way?

im just asking because my brother likes to leave the playstation off, but without turning the back button off..i just wnat to know the facts on what is good and what is bad for the playstion! thank you!

and another question...could i play PSP games on my tv using the PS3?

Thank you if you could help!


I can't answer your PSP question, but as for turning off the PS3, no you do not have to switch off the button at the back. Don't think of the PS3 as something complex. It is like your tv -- some tv's have "two" off-switches. One to put it on stand-by which will probably leave a green or red light on and another that may be on the front that will turn it off completely. There is nothing wrong with leaving it on stand-by, but to save electricity, you might want to turn off the back when you go on vacation, etc. Of course, in stand-by, it is also drawing power, so turn it off if you are energy cautious. (Some people argue to not switch it since flipping it will break it; but again, it's like any other switch and it can go through many, many flips before it breaks.)

Note that this stand-by mode is different from sleep mode on your Windows machine. It turning on in either mode will take the same amount of time. Sleep mode on a Windows machine will actually turn on faster since it is more "on". It is using power to stay in that state (put a laptop in sleep mode and let the battery drain; you will note that it can't wake up and start from scratch).

There *is* a wrong way to turn off the PS3. And that is flipping the switch at the back while the PS3 is still on (i.e., the green light is still on). As the PS3 has a hard disk, it needs to write data to the disk before going off. This is like turning off a PC at the switch instead of clicking "Start | Shutdown". Don't try this. :) It may work a few times, but you are gambling and at some point, the hard drive is in an in-between state and you're going to have problems. Most tv's do not have a hard disk, which is why you can switch off either way and things will be ok (I usually use just the stand-by switch since it won't be long until I turn it on again :) )

Hope this helps! The general rule is that the PS3 is just another applicance...so just think of something similar and you'll realize what is right or wrong.

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#8 rayjapan
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*starts slowly clapping* americahellyeah

:) Ok, well, I don't know your reasons for your original post...but here in Japan, like the rest of the world, Sony has had to cut staff. Staff cuts are almost the common nightly news these days. To think that a PS3 user (even the most die-hard of fans) cares more about the PS3 than (say) the person who has to decide how many people to fire is...well...I find that hard to believe... Yet still possible.... :)

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#9 rayjapan
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[QUOTE="americahellyeah"][QUOTE="Caemgen"] Doing nothing at all won't help either.Caemgen

Yes it will...

I don't see how. Enlighten me, please.

The administrator of the UK official PlayStation forums responded to this and said he'd read it and make sure it will be delivered to someone high up at SCEE / SCEA.
So I say it does, in fact, make a difference.

Generally, listing problems with the system only indicates that you don't know the "big picture". Sony (and the other companies) have more at stake than you. If they do not succeed, then they're in trouble. However, the path to success is different. And just because the PS3 has something that the XBox 360 or Wii do not does not mean that Sony is blind...they know very well what's out there. To write such a document to list things almost insults them...it's as if you know something they don't when they have a bigger stake in succeeding than you do.

The companies each have a different goal. Sony wants to integrate the PS3 with your PSP, your HDTV, your digital camera ... Why? Because these are all the products they produce. Microsoft is primarily a software publisher and is more likely to integrate a web browser into their system. The Wii aims for an entirely different audience -- the family.

And quite honestly, some of the changes suggested might seem "easy" to you because another system has it, but you don't know the fireware or the source code behind it. Maybe they made a decision ages ago that prevents them from doing something that another system has. And that other system can do it easily because they thought about it beforehand.

To think that any change is "easy" just because another system has done it is not quite right. And to think that you care about the PS3 beating some other system more than Sony itself is also not quite right. Here's another thought...when was the first time you saw news of "Home"? I can bet that the initial work for "Home"started months or years before non Sony engineers heard of it! Many things happen behind the scenes and we don't hear of it until they are confident they can do it; just because you don't see it in the current PS3 version doesn't mean they haven't thought of it.

I'm sure there are other reasons...but does this enlighten you? It is easy to complain; far harder to wait patiently to see what's in store in the future...

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#10 rayjapan
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Does anyone know about how long a PS3's lifespan should be before it starts to get problems? Has Sony said anything? I'm thinking about buying a used one thats about 8 months old but I wanna make sure it won't crap out soon...

My playstation1 still works (though it refuses to read some disks) after.... 7 years? and my Ps2 is still working after 4 so i'm hoping Sony did as good a job with the ps3 as they did in the past.

Anyone have one 2+ years old still working perfectly?


Mine is just over 1 year and yes, I know what you mean -- I have a PS1 and a PS2 and both are still working. There are a couple of differences with the PS3 and one is that it has a hard disk. Hard disks are notorious for being the first thing that fails on a PC because the disc moves so much under normal operation. The other problem is that there have been complaints of the PS3 overheating. That is rare, but still happens (a few percent chance?). if the person you are buying it from did not take care of it well, then it is hard to say if it will break soon from either of these two problems.

These two problems do not exist for the PS1 and PS2 since neither had a hard disk and neither overheated (AFAIK). Personally, I wouldn't ask your question to Sony...I would ask yourself how much do you trust the person you are buying from. Since you are now getting it used, Sony and the PS3's reliability do not matter...

Good luck!