rddflag's forum posts
I've stuck with Sony always, it's easier to keep up in technology if you stick with one company :D
I've been through they're ups and downs, heck I still have a Betamax machine :D
Someone says "oh my Xbox can do this..." I can say "ya well can your Xbox go online for free, interact with thousands of other users in an online virtual world, watch an HD video withouth an add on, and have a low failiure rate?"
Whew.. ok your PS3's hard drive is a Laptop 2.5 inch Hard Drive, you can get ANY of these and use them in your PS3. Externel HDDs DONT need to be formated but I believe it takes a lot of bull **** to get save games on it. As for the back ups, you can use any usb storage device Sony or non-Sony. You could even use a memory stick if you have a psp. I say get the internal, cheaper and can get amounts up to 500gb
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