Don't know much about it I posted a thread because im looking for a PS3 in all it's glory back when it was originally announce, with the two hdmi ports and all that other extra stuff. I just hope this new version (sku) is worth it. I would most definitly get mine if it's worth it around that time when MGS4 comes out. I hope it's 160gb has two hdmi ports and **** load of usb and upconverts regular dvds and has two dualshock 3 six axis controller with remoavle battery and BC then im sold until then if its just a 160 or 120 gb difference i will be looking for stores who still have the 60gb with BC. For those spoiled brats who keep saying they don't care about BC until you really start paying for your own **** then start talking Because i didnt spend years building my collection just to let them pick up dust. And I dont care that you can purchase the game via online I am not paying for something I already own Unless is broken or damage!!!accesdenied
Thats quite a rant there... I really don't think it will have BC because they thought that putting an Emotion Engine in the PS3 was too expensive, if they do put everything you said in there then this new PS3 is going to be a TANK
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