Until they do a Sega and actually pull out of making consoles altogether, then they come irrelevant. But they don't plan to anytime soon and they still have over 10m consoles sold despite having such a poor start. Like their idea of stopping second hand game sales (greed) (alienating a hell of a lot of gamers for it), forcing people to buy the Kinect, which meant they had the poor price plan, and even the name Xbox ONE, their lower specs than PS4. I'm surprised they sold 10m consoles to begin with.
I can't believe Microsoft made so many mistakes, the reason people bought an Xbox 360 was not just because it was out a year earlier, but the price. Which is how they have to go along now......undercutting Sony and making great Games (but they need more diversity). And they have a chance with that since Sony are always slow with their games. They were exactly the same with PS2 and PS3.
The other thing is that Microsoft do not seem to support their older consoles like Sony do. That's why Sony has such a loyal fanbase. They should take a leaf out of their book and change their image from a greedy company. Their imagine is the consoles version of Activision or EA.
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