@1valiantknight Yeah I also hate the whole sexism towards women in modern day games, pisses me off.
With games that allow you to choose male or female, I always have a mix of both. One of my favorite characters i've made in a game is probably in Skyrim where I made a two-handed sword wielding, heavy armor wearing female character. So I agree with your comment there.
@DarkImpact2021 I agree 100% there. The new Tomb Raider is awesome, I much prefer the 'more in proportion' Lara than the over sized old one.
With Mass Effect I played as both male and female characters and have to agree with you that playing as a female had a much better feel to it, along with better voice acting.
@Kaz32 The only problem I found with Sniper Elite V2 was the AI was a bit off, if one enemy knew where you were then the others would instantly. Still a good game though.
@theend3r I hate the fact that they keep blaming video game violence for all these killings and massacres... The guy who did it was obviously "insane" just like almost every other person that wants to massacre people. Take a look at things like the "texas chainsaw massacre" clearly not video games violence there...
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