@If_U_Only_Knew I think what he means is that when you buy a used game, the dev doesn't get a penny of it. So i think hes saying its only fair on the developers to get a bit of cash for their product, even if it is being sold second hand
@Dante-xero I'm glad they're releasing dlc's, Metro 2033 and Last Light are such good games, I think they should show the story from other characters points of view.
@TheMacbeths I agree there. But, the whole couldn't see what was in the 'narrow corridor' was part of the fear that the earlier games had, the fact you could hear whatever it was stumbling toward you but had no idea what it was, or how close it was. I agree though, we need a new, fresh survival horror, non of this action shit.
@Fighting40 Yeah, it does. Kinda like an eye watching you... Well we don't know for sure if anyone will be recording your every move through it, but its still creepy.
@meatz666 Haha yeah one of my favorite games of all time, its awesome. The FPS genre has really high stakes now, so I think even Activision are gonna have to step their game up with CoD. I'm assuming thats why they're going for a deeper story (which I agree with, weirdly I must be one of the only people that buys those games for the story, providing it actually sounds interesting anyway lol) and then of course further customisation online etc.
@sgt_F79 Yeah same, I think Microsoft just lost out on quite a few customers (well if they're from the UK that is) Also, why bother with tv on a console, got a TV for that... I thought consoles were about games...
@rabbitcancer Exactly that, I thought Microsoft were going to show something better than the PS4 (or I hoped anyway) but all they've showed really is new ways to watch tv, which I don't have time for both tv and gaming, so i'll choose gaming. This time Sony wins for me, or so far anyway.
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