a video game console that does not have games its number one top priority has no right to succeed. if xboxOne ends up winning with there current formula, the gaming business as we know it is in serious trouble
This gen has proved that all games besides Halo, Gears, Forza, and CoD are irrelevant.
so in others words every game that is way more fun and enjoyable than the games listed(which would be about 90% of the current gen library) are considered irrevelant ok got it. now if ull excuse me ill just go back and play some more irrelevant games since thats wat i mostly play because you know there irrelevant XD
well lets see i have tales of xillia CE preordered as well as SMT 4 oh oh and im planning to get HD collections of KH and FFX..already bought Ni no Kuni and loved it and plan to buy fire emblem awaking, project x zone, ffxiii-3 down the line. So yes i still very much play jrpgs and loving it =)
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