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rebel_punk34 Blog

Such antimosity

Well, I'm not exactly sure what I've done in the JCU. But I can see somewhat of a hatred towards me, well whatever. That's life right?

Well just an update on what I've been doing.

I'm finally in Afghanistan, be home towards the end of Janurary. Should of said something to you guys sooner but we ended up finding out a couple days before I left, so I had other people to call. Mainly wife, parents, so forth.

But I can see that I'm not welcomed here in the good ole' GS, so it seems to some people. Guess you won't be hearing from me for a few months, if you don't hear anything from me. Assume I'm either dead or I gave up on GS. If you do, thats at my own discreation.

Well, Reb out. See you guys next year.

Yes...I'm alive.

Hail to the king? No? Too soon? Oh well.

I know, its been a few months. But it's safe to say I'm half way across the world, kinda found out at the last minute about it. Oh well, only like...what 3ish months?

Anyways, I'm still breathing.


Have no clue if I spelled the that right for a topic title, oh well.

But to stay on subject for once (shocking I know), I was looking through my posting history. Looking at all the old unions I posted in, the glory days as I call it, just wondering what happened. Used to be alot of people I talked to on here. Now there just like a fading memory (depressing, I know).

Now, I look at myself on here today. Nearly been apart of GS for 6 years (just past that mark two days ago), I'm a level 36 (probably could have a higher level if I stayed active and maybe didn't enlist in the military, yea I'm stating the obvious, I know). Some people in my position are more or less contributing to this site in some form or another, few actually become Mods (and yes I've tried to become a Mod and two occations, still waiting; probably won't happen, I know).

Basically I'm trying to figure out how I should or could contribute to GS. The whole design thing, meh just something I look at as a hobby. Suppose I can push for being a Mod, but I'm sure that day may come. (my luck I'll be on my deployment when that happens, blows, I know). I'm basically at another crossroad in GS, maybe I could post in other unions but I prefer sticking to the JCU. Still, something to do right?

Thought about purging my friends list, but I really don't want to put forth the work. Who know's, some of those random idividuals I used to talk to my message me one day, who knows.

Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm talking about. I'm more or less just bored, being on base and little money (on a weekend) leaves little to do and much boredom insue's (hey that rhymed). Anyway, my little bundle of joy is close to coming into the world. It's overwhelming at times, thinking to myself that I'm going to be a dad, sometimes doesn't seem real. But can't really say until he's born right?

Well, hopefully I'm still stateside when the birth actually happens. If I miss it, well only so much I can do; orders are orders. Anyway, just an update of me rambling and sheding some light in the life of rebel.

Troops are coming home?

At first, didn't really believe it. But I looked into it, and it's going to happen. Obama is starting to pull the troops out, likely 10,000 troops are coming home this year and a even more in the summer of 2012.

Well, that's two things he's done right.

1. Kill Osama

2. Actually brining the troops home

And for those who haven't realized it yet, the war is over.

Yea, I was there

It was a dark time, dark...very dark. We couldn't afford lightbulbs, but yea, I was there.

On the bright side...I've seemed to achieve the status of being a Radical Ninja. But, I'll hit the level 40 one day. And thus Rebel will enter the halls of the ancients. Well...if I did stay active on this sight I'd probably be well into the 60's...with legendary status...and party hats, also sparklers....

You have a gun, I have a gun. Let's write a tragic ending!

Now, I've had that little saying around my profile for awhile. Time and time again people ask me about it, like were it came from. Orginally I'd tell them it came from a song of a favorite band of mine, Five Finger Death Punch.

There is partial truth from that, that is a small verse out of the lyrics, but the truth behind it is. Well, this saying is apart of my as well as five other close friends of mine. Friends I consider brothers and sisters.

We all have it tattooed somewhere on our body, myself. I have it on my left forearm, entire length. Now for one of my friends I'm not at liberty to say where she has her's. Leave that up to the imagination :P

Now the purpose for this tattoo, well thats for another time.

But for all my Star Wars lovva's out there, I got a new tattoo. Boba Fett on the right side of my ribs, oh the pain I endured for such a beautiful piece of work. In was all worth it. Pic's later.

Fact or Fiction

Fact: Rebel is alive, returned from the Mojave Desert yesterday.

Ficition: Rebel has been known to run around in a pink tutu.

All seriousness aside, I'm back home for a week. Finished a month worth of training a couple days ago and just got home a couple hours ago. Next step, Afghanistan. But I'll worry about that when the time comes.

Just decided to pop in a see how you all were doing, figured I'd return to GS after this deployment (if I make it back). But still debateble. I really don't see any major significant change, though there probably has been some minor changes to the site. But overall, still the same GS.

But all bs aside, I'll come back eventually. Just going to be awhile, and more than likely in 2012. Unless something happens that causes me to come home early, so be it. Either or, Rebel will return.

On a side note....

Donald Trump for president.

For those who are blunt and ignorant and think its a joke that he could be running. Look, this man is an economic genious. Filed for bankruptecy 4 times and bounced back from every one of them, now he's a multi-billionare. Now granted, now sure how he can handle foriegn and diplomatic affairs but only time can tell with that one. Either or, if you want a president who can fix this countries economy; there's your man.

Also, how awesome would it be if Trump won the presidency and looked at Obama and "You're Fired." Epic...

Offical Farewell Blog

Sure enough as soon as I sign into this site my computer freeze's.

But to offically announce my leave, figured I do it in the way of Rebel.

So, thats it....I'm out, leaving for Afghanistan in a few months. Don't have the time for any of this, plus when I get home I have a baby boy to take care.

Yea, ole' Rebel is have a boy.

Anyway, last piece of artwork from Rebel...or Rez as I'm now commonly known through the Xbox world. Don't know how many times I catch myself typing Rez instead of Rebel on here. Well, enjoy.

Dr Dre


Never ceases to amaze me, honestly.

Well, lets get straight to the point. I can speak on behalf of the whole community and say these glitches, are absurd. In all my years of building websites, as well as be apart of numerous forums, I have never seen a site such as this riddle with so many falts.

I honestly haven't the slightest clue on what your attempting to do, which lately it seems your so focused on competing against something. As for what, I don't know.

Either or, this is stupid, ignorant, truthfully there isn't words that can't describe on how I feel about this site. You say your improving Gamespot. How, I don't see a thing.

It would be so appreciative if you would, ever so kindly, get off your high horse and fix the unoins. Or you could kiss your community numbers goodbye. Granted, you'll have the dedicated members still around, but even the most complex of humans have a breaking point.

Either or, I'm just sick of this. Your trying to become something your honestly not, honestly I'm out for good. Done with this ignorant mass called a forum.

Well, might as well as get this out.

Go f*** yourself Gamespot.

Rebel is out for good, if anyone wants to keep in touch. Via gamertag, or MSN is you have it.