Have no clue if I spelled the that right for a topic title, oh well.
But to stay on subject for once (shocking I know), I was looking through my posting history. Looking at all the old unions I posted in, the glory days as I call it, just wondering what happened. Used to be alot of people I talked to on here. Now there just like a fading memory (depressing, I know).
Now, I look at myself on here today. Nearly been apart of GS for 6 years (just past that mark two days ago), I'm a level 36 (probably could have a higher level if I stayed active and maybe didn't enlist in the military, yea I'm stating the obvious, I know). Some people in my position are more or less contributing to this site in some form or another, few actually become Mods (and yes I've tried to become a Mod and two occations, still waiting; probably won't happen, I know).
Basically I'm trying to figure out how I should or could contribute to GS. The whole design thing, meh just something I look at as a hobby. Suppose I can push for being a Mod, but I'm sure that day may come. (my luck I'll be on my deployment when that happens, blows, I know). I'm basically at another crossroad in GS, maybe I could post in other unions but I prefer sticking to the JCU. Still, something to do right?
Thought about purging my friends list, but I really don't want to put forth the work. Who know's, some of those random idividuals I used to talk to my message me one day, who knows.
Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm talking about. I'm more or less just bored, being on base and little money (on a weekend) leaves little to do and much boredom insue's (hey that rhymed). Anyway, my little bundle of joy is close to coming into the world. It's overwhelming at times, thinking to myself that I'm going to be a dad, sometimes doesn't seem real. But can't really say until he's born right?
Well, hopefully I'm still stateside when the birth actually happens. If I miss it, well only so much I can do; orders are orders. Anyway, just an update of me rambling and sheding some light in the life of rebel.
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