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rebel_punk34 Blog

Reliving an old dream

The Rebelious one is back into the metal scene, new band project?

7 Deadly Sins, something that's been in the works with a good friend of mine. Now it's a reality, currently it's 3 out of the 7 members were looking for. The persona we have going, well if you know anything about the seven deadly sins then you get the idea. Our style will be something of a cross between deathmetal/metalcore/and melodic metal. We have 5 songs written out and a few covers were deciding between.

As for our line up, we have our friend Crow as lead vocals, my brother from another mother Sam as Drums, and me as Rhythm and Vocals. Crow will be all the deep growls, screaming, so forth. I'll be clean, bellows, and bree's (bree's! GAH!!!!!); with that you'll have me playing Rhythm, which as soon as my hand heal's I can start playing again.

Were actually looking for a warehouse to start playing in as well as something we can convert into for other metal bands, you guy's know my love for music and I want to branch out to all other up and coming in metal bands.

But for this time around, this is something I truly believe it can work. We're more determined about this, on top of that you have my discipline that Corps instilled in me; so it will be rough at first but once things get going hopefully we can get out there a make a name for ourselves (if not, hey man we all did something we love and enjoy).

Oh, and Rebel's Current Playlist

Whitechapel: The Darkest Day of Man
All That Remains: For We Are Many
As I Lay Dying: Parallels
As I Lay Dying: The Plague
Parkway Drive : Deep Blue (album, f'n amazing album highly suggesting getting it).

17 Stitches, open fracture, nerve and tendon damage.

Yup. had to go to the hospital last night. Was mowing my lawn, stick got wrapped up in the blades; and the topic title says it all. Happened on my right hand, ring finger and middle finger. Once that heals up I have to get plastic surgery done in my ring fingare and I'll be seeing a hand surgeon for the nerve and tendon damage. But I'm fine though, freaked out a little bit when it happened but hey.

StarCraft 2 - in 3 days!?~~?~??

BAH! I've waited too long for this! I must have...if you don't see me online for weeks at a time, you now know why. Until Daiblo 3 comes out, then you won't see me on for months at a time.

Oh, also I work alot...reason why I have been on much lately.

My Marine Career Nov 16th, 09 - June 5th, 10

I'm sure someone is curious enough to ask what happened during my time away.

Nov. 16th, 09- Day I left for bootcamp, and probably the beginning of three months of hell. The first two weeks were hard, realizition that I'm not home anymore; that my regular day to day routine was over. So for three months, I was pretty much hazed the entire time. Thing about boot camp, its only 10% physical; your body gradually adjusts. The other 90% is all mental, just one big mind game.

Feb. 12th, 10 - Graduation from boot camp, finally earned the title ofUnited States Marine. Proudest day of my life, hell of a feeling, too many emotions to describe. It's something you have to go through yourself.

Feb. 22nd, 10 - Marince Combat Training, partial hazefest. But advanced combat training really, just teaching us the basics of combat. Fortifications, understanding more weapon systems, patrols, so on. It was fun for me, I loved it lol, majority of others...not so much lol.

March 22nd, 10 - Graduated MCT, not as proudful as boot camp graduation but still enjoyable. Then I finally depated for my MOS school to be trained as a Combat Engineer. For those in the service some of you may know what I do if your in the service.

May 1st, 10 - Promoted to PFC for time in grade :o, finally some weight on my collar lol

June 5th, 10 - Current day, enjoying the weekend. Nearly done with my school, and I graduate June 15th. So not even a week left until I come home and report to my duty station. Been away too long, and I get to return to my fiancee'. Damn I miss her.

So that's my life for the past 7 months. Summed up to be short and sweet.

June 15th

My full activity to GS, in just a few short weeks I'll be full activity again.

Then the oh so infamous Rebel makes it sure hyper/omega/super/ultra epic comeback.

Tier 1 Operator

For EA's new medal of honor, coming October 12th 2010. MOH finally going with Modern warfare times, and you play as the Army Rangers. I have to wait for the rest of the video's to unlock, I'll keep you updated.



Ok kiddies, take a lesson from me. Partying every weekend will put a hole in your wallet and bank account. When you have .25 to your just learned the hard way.

So take this lesson to heart from Uncle Rebel....

An old face returns.

Hey...whats up? Lol, yea I'm finally back from all my training. Yes, I'm a US Marine now; I'm going through my MOS school now. So I figured why the hell not, get back on gamespot. If you wanna talk...message me, whatever floats your boat really.