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red_flava87 Blog

I Try to Say Good Bye And I Choke....

For Brussels, Belgium... Me is leaving!!

My life is in thehand of a boeing 767...

How will my plane crash...


Yebebe!! Dont worry too much I usually suck at predicting the future :P
So I tried the "change your flight number in webding font" thingy and....

AC888 -- (From Ottawa to Heatrow, London)
A C888

According to WEBDING... I will either crash in some bushes or some port and everything will happen on fast forward:lol:


According to WINGDINGS... Peaceful and okey flight, but something's gonna happen to my computer mouse... But maybe its not mine... cause I have a wireless one :D

AC6600 -- (From Heathrow, London to Brussels, Bel)

Feel free to try with my 2nd flight :P... But I tellz ya... suspiscious luggage right theeerrrreee!!

A C 6 6 0 0

A C 6 6 0 0


Oh and Joey... dont worry ;) I still will be playing CabFev... Internet connection ;)

There's More Than Meets The Eyes...

"Before time began, there was... the cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them... with life. That is how our race was born. For a time we had lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good... others, evil. And so, began the war. A war that ravages our planet until it was consumed by death. And the cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We step in across the galaxy hoping to find it and rebuild our home. Searching every star. Every world. And just when all hopes seem lost; message of a new discovery took us to an unknown planet called... Earth. But we were already too late."



(Me Chani and Naija)

Excited much!! A lil more ... :P
I Finally watched the damn movie... TWICE... already!!
I know I know.. ... But I couldn't help myself.
T'was so cool, I even felt the need to blog.


Robots in disguise!!

Simply put, that's the best adaptation of a TV serie so far. The special effects were flawless and the robots were so freakin cool. Megatron was that good old magnificient bastard he always was, Starscream wanting to overthrow Megatron, yellow and fluffy Bumblebee and the oh so great Optimus Prime. Though I dont like how they turned Bumblebee in a 2h24mins Chevycommercial. Specialy considering the fact that he originally transforms into a new beetle. The end is perfect, leaving much room for a 2nd movie filled with more robots!!
Now I'm really really happy... Like a kid osuga suga!! Think I'll see it again on tuesady :D

Those Memorable Quotes

Ratchett: [scaning Sam's body] The Pheromone levels in the male indicates he wants to mate with the other.

Ironhide: A rodent has been detected in the vacinity. Shall I destroy it?
Sam Witwicky: No! No! This is a chihuahua. We love chihuahuas.
Ironhide: He's leaked lubricant on me.
Sam Witwicky: He did? Bad Mojo! Bad!
Ironhide: Hugghh... This is gonna rust...

Optimus Prime: At the end of this day... one shall stand, one shall fall. (Cla$$ic)


Live Earth
Concerts For a climate in Crisis

We're all part of the Problem...
Be part of the Solution!!

Today was the day!! Workin on saving the planet baybee!! My mom and I bought those new David-Suzuki-bulb and changed every single bulbe in the house. We planted 3 trees, unplug every single charger that were unused and set new rules for recycling. We now have that a Green Bank and each family member will spit in $1 for each broken rule :D

I did my part, did you do yours?
Come on now, make Al Gore proud :lol:

Live Earth

8 Cities: London, Hamburg, Tokyo, New York, Rio De Janeiro, Sydney, Shangai andJohannesburg.Over 2 billion viewers around the globe... If you missed it, you suck :lol:

Keith Urban and Alicia Keys
The Police
Foo Fighters

Now we shall all go and save our precious Planet, it's the only one we've got ;)


This Aint a Scene...

It's A God Damn Blog!!!

Yeah I know... Everybody run for cover... Jo just hit the FREAKIN "New Blog post" Button!!

This blog is about...



In Ya Face!!!

Mwahahahah!! Yeah I know... I totally suck... But I had to do it once... Hehehehehe!

Really... I am freakin bored :P


The Bachelore/tte Partayyyy...


And That aint NO APRIL FOOLS

tvDOTcom ate my blog yesterday :roll: And considering the 3 precious hours I spent on it, its just NOT happening again!!

Sorry JD :P
Sorry Hailes :P
You just go and get married without getting your FREAK ON before :D


**This blog was gently brought to you by FilmSpot**


It's Like THIS and Like THAT Y'all

~Greta: I hope all of my friends steal the survey.~

Well... HERE I am :D

1. What time is it? a lil past MIDNIGHT :P

2. Name: Joelle

3. What are you most afraid of?
TOES!! No jokes!! I think TOES are a feet disease and we're just NOT aware OFF!! Toes are so ugly and useless, they dont even have their own names, unlike fingers!! :P

4. What do you drive?
Honda Civic *hi5 Greta* :D

5. Have you ever seen a ghost? Only on TV :P

6. Where were you born? Rwanda

7. Ever been to Alaska? no No NO!

8. Ever been toilet papering rolling in decorating trees? And what does that even means?? If I've been rolled in toillet paper while decorating a tree or if I ever decorated a tree with toilet paper??... Both ways, thats WEIRD!! Toilet paper only have ONE use in my world... well maybe two :P

9. Croutons or Bacon bits? Croutons, but I'll be glad to NEVER know how its made :P

10. Favorite day of the week: Friday & Saturday

11. Favorite restaurant: Le Buffet Des Continents :D You sure know what I'm talking about.

12. Favorite Flower: Red roses and white lys, pretty.

13. Favorite sport to watch: Basketball (All star week-end and playoffs only :P )

14. Favorite Drink: Orange juice and Killer Kool-aids shooters :D

15. Favorite Ice cream: McDonalds' and DQ's one (anything with lots of CHOCOLATE) :P

16. Disney or Warner Brothers: hmmm... DISNER (or WARNEY depends on which one you like better :P)

17. Favorite fast food restaurant: Quiznos Sub

18. What color is your bedroom carpet? And what if I dont have no carpet??

19. How many times you failed your driver's test? I passed the FIRST time *hi5 Greta*... Unlike OTHERS *coughBcoughBcough*

20. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail from? My friend Jessie

21. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Jessie :P

22. Bedtime: Whenever I'm tired... Some places between 8pm and 4am :P

23. Who will copy this the quickest? Ramona actually was the FASTEST after Greta did it!!
24. Who is the person least likely to copy? Dimitry… WORD!!

25. Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses? Hailey, the fisks and ANGELINO :D

26. Favorite TV show: Save The Cheerleader, Save The World :D

27. Ford or Chevy? LMFAO :lol: You know why you english speaking people call chevies "Chevy"?.. Because saying "CHEVROLET" in english is a PRONUNCIATION crime :lol:

28. What are you listening to right now? Chicago's "Cell Bloc Tango" Best MAD women song evarrr... Who never wanted to kill some men and sing "He had it comin'" at the top of their lungs, huh?? :lol:

29. What are your favorite colors? Let's ALL meditate on it, shall we :P

30. How many tattoos do you have? As much as the most tattooed person before that smae person ever got tattooed :lol: ( I know... ZERO would've done the job pretty well too :P)

31. Do you have any pets? None, Nada, Niet!

32. Who killed #32??? BB :roll: FOR shame!!You number murderer!!

33. Favorite snack/comfort foods? Brownana Split :D Before you go WTF?, Take a Brownie, a banana, vanilla ice cream and lots of fudge chocolate syrup on it :D YUMMY!

34. Last vacation destination: Australia

35. Oprah or Ellen? Dr.Phil :D

*Dies* That was long :P I'm so going to sleep!!

A Fiskalicious Blog For....

The FISK!!!


Of course we NOW have two of those pretty parasites (nothing but LOVE right here :D) so which one is it, do you ask????


The Mini? The Bob? Hanna?? Elin?? To be or not be FISKED??

Well it wouldn't be FUNNY if I tell you straight up like THAT right??



She's to her sister what Ashley Simpson is to Jessica Simpson: Both are retarted but THANKS GOD only one is BLOND :lol:


She's to her sister what iPod Nano is to iPod: The Nano one is smaller and prettier but has less memory, sales more though :lol:


She's to her sister what Windows Vista is to Windows XP: A newer and upgraded version that has less bugs :lol:


She is today one year older than she was last years at this exact same date, and she is one year younger than she will be next year at this exact same date :P (Is it that obvious that I dont know her age, lol :lol: )

If you guessed Elin, you suck :lol:...

HANNA (aka MINIFISK) has been crowned FISK of the DAY because its HER BIRTHDAY!!!!!~! Yay Her!!!

I am NOT dead... Just Cyber DEAD -_-

"I blog therefore I am."

Well guess WHAT? I DONT BLOG... So I guess I am NOT! I am CYBER DEAD folks... That's the way it goes :lol:

Since I just made a blog (Y'all better thanks HAILES for that), I brought myself back to life so I guess there's nothing to worry about :D ...Until I cyber kill myself of course :lol:

What I've been up to? Well I was just busy with everything and once I got home, I didn't feel like there was enough energy left to go and waste it on the internet. Besides, I didn't even have spare time to waste :P What a cruel world we live in... only 24 hours in one day... I say we should make the damn planet rotate slower on itself :D

Oh yeah, while I'm still here, SORRY to Armaan for not being able to play your trivia game contest (what ever you call it man :P)

And since KWEENIE TAGGED ME, Why NOT play along :D (Dont worry folks, NO DANGER! Its not against TOS) But I'm running out of time so NEXT time :lol:


Jo(ey) and The Chocolate Factory... (RHYMES -_-)

Hola les Amigos!
Let me introduce y'all my oldest and dearest friend, LATE... CHOCO-Late! Agent 00-yumm! Here to the rescue of the lonely hearts on V-day!

Obviously, if you are in a relationship and/or engaged and/or married and/or cyber married... Get away :P For the rest of us that dont apply to the previous statement, we're all good! So as I was saying, tomorow is Valentines day... That one day of the year where it totally sucks to be SINGLE (and if you think it sucks in general, well tomorow will suck even more). It's the day where all the pretty couples seem to have passed on the word to make out in front of you... The day where seeing red even make me sick... Let's not fool ourselves, tomorrow, SingleDom will be striking hard!

But that's okey... Of course it's okey... Because Choco LATE is with us! Heve you ever been let down by Choco? NO! Does Choco ever lie to you? No! Does Choco knows how to make you smile? Yes! When you want him, isn't he ALWAYS around the corner? Absolutely! He even melts if you hold him too tight... Isn't that cute? :P That's why Choco is the BEST!

And to make you all crave for Choco...

Here's MY Choco Numero Uno!
1. Ferrero Rocher

Have you ever try to say NO to him :shock:?? Only fool can attempt such a thing :lol: And if you never tried him, you dont know what you are missing!


My Choco Numéro Deux
2. Lindt Swiss Milk Chocolate & Almonds

Because life is nothing without Almonds and milk Choco Late! Almonds has got to be Choco Late's soulmate or something, because that's a match made in heaven!!

And My Choco Numba Tha-ree
3. Truffles

As sweet and as fatning as hell and heaven together could let it be, but even MORE good! That's what I call taking care of yourself :lol: And I know I want to take care of myself real good :D

***Of course that little short list is not to be taken as a hint for what YOU could possibly send me tomorrow... :roll: :P***

Now with those pretty words of WISDOM, may you all have a HAPPY Valent-Choco-Day :D