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red_flava87 Blog

Ten Reasons WHY....

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

One is Not Blogging Yet or
Haven't Been Lately...

10. I dont have NO computer! -LiLi (4 years old cousin)
You should be ashamed of yourself!

9. I cant STAND being on the computer for more than 3 minutes -Mommy
I cant really tell... Never happened to me!

8. I am Busy -Aunty
I guess that doesn't apply to you, dear devoted readers :lol:

7. I Have Nothing to Say -Brotha
Never stopped me from blogging, lol.... I mean... SEE!!

6. I do have a CYBER life, gotta keep up with my 37 other blogs -Jessie
Explain why you are wearing diapers when seating in front of the computer :lol: ... Nah Kidding :P

5.Woof Woof... Woof -Neighboor's Dog
Yes... Of course!!

4. I have a LIFE -Sista
I sold mine... to CAN I HAVE IT BACK??

3. I am BUSY...with other things... ON INTERNET! -Lil SISTA
I'm busy as well...with other things... ON!

2. I Spend More time on OTHER blogs than on my OWN. -MOI
Who can say that's NOT true, huh? Hahaha! :D

1. WHAT's a BLOG?? - Daddy
That's like asking what's a car... :roll: 21st century, huh??!! WAKE UP!! What an Old school father I have!!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

B B BB B-Unit !!!

Gangstaz at WAR for BB's Freedom
B Unit

Yep!! My girl (bbntom55) got suspended for censor bypassing of an uncensored word :roll: Someone really was in need to mess with the world and reported her review...

Anyways, most of y'all know this already, but we still gotta show LOVE and SUPPORT to our dear BB as the 7 days hasn't come to an end ... YET!!

So Ya! BB, we love you and miss you ALOT (except Oba that is :roll:  )

SONG of the Blog

Survivor - Destiny's Child

After all of the darkness and sadness,
Still comes happiness,
If I surround myself with positive things,
I'll gain prosperity.

Special dedication to BB :D Go Gurl!

I Feel So Smart !!!... I Am Smart!!

Congratulations, Joelle!
Your IQ score is 136

"Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results."


Have a Nice Evening... Or whatever else period of the day :P

Imagine A World With...

Nospacebars...Itwouldbesohorrible :o


She asked us to read it, which took almost 1 hour, and to re-write it properly. She then start a lovely ever-lasting speech on how space between words was important. We were all sitting and starring at here like WTF....

Then the stupid guy, cause there is always a stupid guy, said: Dahhh! That's why we have a space bar on cumputers :roll:

Then Mrs. Dion had that evil smile and said, I was waiting for someone to say that (TOUCHÉ!! )

S o s h e g a v e u s t h a t o t h e r t e x t w r i t t e n l i k e t h i s . W e a l s o h a d t o r e w r i t e i t . . . C r u e l ! !

This one took even longer as it was longer. She ended up saying that space between words was to take as seriously as any grammar rules... OMG she is such a freak!! I get the importance of space barre now more than ever :roll:... Buttellme,wasitreallywortha3hoursclass??

I have one hell of a headache now :(

Let me share it with you :twisted:
Stare this image please :D

Last Monday...

Monday means only one thing to me :P

Today is the last monday of 2006 where Heores will air... Should we bookmark this as a turning point of our history :P ? YES!!

I hate hiatus and almost every show will soon take a break, if not already done...  At least, there is still Christmas and Vacations to look forward to :D

Other news,

I finally made it to level 23!! It took me two weeks, but I did it :D Yaye Me!

SonGs oF The Day/WeeK

Christina Aguilera - Hurt
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

Ciara - Promise
I'm looking for somebody I can call boo,
Looking for the only one who I can give my all to

Blogs MIA!!!

But they're BACK!!!

Yep! I guess you've all noticed blogs were missing for a short period today. That was totally weird... A missing emblem :o and no blogs to comment on... Funny thing was I finally knew how many blog comments (forums post left apart) I did :D

Since they were all missing, is like I never commented on no ones blog so my forum posts count was at 2,009... Means I've done around 1,395 comments on your blogs :D

That was my random fact of the day :P


Sentenced To Quit Your Job, You bad Editor!!

Here’s my second BAD editor story…

Lately, I was going crazy on submitting quotes to guides that had none, and weren’t editorless as submissions get processed faster. So I somehow ended up on the BBT guide and was happy to see the editor was actually someone on my friends list that was also Trusted user for one of my guides…. Actually, the real happiness was seing 0 freakin quotes and having found 15. So yeah, I’ve submitted 13 of them last friday (the 2 others were useless, or just lame) and had one accepted Sunday…. Another went thru last night, BUT IT WAS FREAKIN REJECTED…. I do hate rejections, but I dont go crazy all about it only if a good reason is provided. When I saw "Duplicate :D" written in the comment box (And with that stupid smiley, ugh!)… Total WTF moment!!

I went back on the guide just to make sure he was not submitting my stuff (cause it already happen to me once…) and he wasn’t, though I saw 3 quotes in the trivia sections, but they weren’t the same as the 13 I’ve submitted WHILE AGO…

Now I know it’s only one sub, but come on… He’s on my friend list, he submitted to one of my guide while ago and I processed each and everyone of his submissions fairly, accepting even the lame and useless one to finally make him my Trusted User… Doesn’t that count for something?? Can someone be that much inconsiderate??… Argh! Stupid him!

On the Bright side...

Superman Returns is coming out on DVD today, Yaye! SO I guess I wont stay mad for long :P There are still things in this world that make me happy :D

Now I just have to figure out what’s the damn difference between a Blue-Ray disc and an HD DVD... well whats better??

Unforgetable quotes from the movie... (LOL, Quotes again :P)

Jor-El: You will travel far, my little Kal-El, but we will never leave you-even in the face of our deaths. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father. And the father, the son.

Superman: [to Jason asleep in his bed] You will be different, sometimes you'll feel like an outcast, but you'll never be alone. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father and the father becomes the son


I'm sitting here, patiently waiting for the freakin updates to run!!! I'm suppose to be a Freak & Geek right now.... :x

~P!nK is The NeW BloG~

err.....I mean... P!nK is The NeW Blog ColoR :P

 SnaGGlePuSS: Boo Y'all!!! 

I know you were not expecting to talk to a cartoon character, but since Jo's now level 21, I'll have to stick around her blog until she climbs to level 22 :D 

Dont worry guys, we will still have fun... A lot of fun!! -Snagg

Blog Blap

So, how's everyone? Did y'all have fun this weekend?? Cause I didn't ,lol. I had a truckload of homeworks, two projects to finish and I had to study for my 2 exams!! Bright side is that I went thru ALL my school work and now it's done. Though, I wont lie, starting was a real struggle!! The hardest part was surely when I had to decide if either I  turn on the computer while doing my homeworks or if I just live it off. So yeah, I was seatting in my room, starring at my books then my computer then my books, my computer, my books, my computer, my books, my computer.... DILEMA! I finally went up stairs, shut down the internet, went back to my room, turn on the computer (with no internet) and I was ready to work! Yeah, my computer without internet is pretty much useless and less tempting!! ... See what it takes to get me to work.... :lol:

Oh yeah!! There's that awesome thing I did on Saturday night... I went at McDonalds! Yeah you heard me, McDONALDS (Impressed, huh?)! After almost 4 years boycotting that stupid place, I finally went back. If I hate McDo that much, it's because I've worked there... It was my very first job and I lasted 6 months before I quit... Or maybe I got cleared, but who knows :P

Anyways, my lil sister is working there now (haha give her 2 months and she'll be gone) and yesterday she was closing so I went to pick her up, but I was 45 mins early... (damn!).... I was starving..... I gave in..... I ordered a chicken crispy... ET VOILA.... Jo felt in love with McDonalds... again! update

1 new edtitorship
Morris Chestnut

Trusted for 3 new person guide 
Josh Groban, Simon Baker, Zoe Sladana

Level 21 - Snagglepuss
Completion - 22%

Songs of the DAY

Oh yeeeah!! Shake it like your mama teach ya!
Give it up for Spidey and his crew!!

Tell Me - Diddy ft. Christina Aguilera

Lips of an Angel - Hinder

Okey now the blog is DONE!