I love how creative art styles are only something children can appreciate. Some of the best entertainment ever made have a cartoony or child like look.
@EmericaCky2K He is not really negative he just points out how irrational people are being. I think one of the episodes about the GTAV review he was actually pretty negative but that is really the only time I can think of
Come on Bethesda, $80 to get quite the common race in TES available in the game and then have everyone pay $15 a month. I cannot support this kind of business model, especially when my fav weapon, the bow, felt clunky as hell in the beta.
@Coco_pierrot @redskins26rocs Yeah that is the hard one, and yeah now that I beat the game I am doing the missions and trying to get everything along the way. I was quite happy though when I beat the game because for some reason I had 600000+ crystarium for everyone and their stats just got crazy really fast. I have been taking a little break, because Ni No Kuni sounded to awesome to stay away from. As soon as I beat that along with side missions I will be returning and than try to platinum FF13-2
@Shadowblade2584 I dont get it, you played D/P which are 4th gen then quit. You realize D/P were the gen right after that, right? Saying it is the best since the 3rd does not mean much, since it was the last one you liked. There is not much of a gap it filled
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