@goggles123456 @redskins26rocs Would you have preferred some women to be murders and extreme criminals yeah that is a better image then being a stereotype based women or a stripper.
@Kryptonbornson Feedbackula is all about the funny britsh accented comment reads with bad grammarthen a little ownage , at least that is what I have been getting from the show these past few months.
I think alot of these immature children have a fair point, the game is a huge accomplishment that clearly had alot of work put into it, and the only negative thing pointed out mostly is that it is offensive when clearly it is trying to be. I would be fine with GTA V getting a 9 if you could point out the actual flaws, instead of making the cons something that adds to making GTA a great game. It is not like men are portrayed as saints in the game. Would you rather be murderer/criminal which most men in GTA are?
@buthurtlitleboy What do you think that gives it a free pass? I love KH, but the reviewer is spot on when he says that and inaccurate jumping. I remember doing the Tarzan level and get frustrated, though this is not much of a problem later on when you get glide and double jump. I would review this based on the quality of the rerelease, instead of judging a 10+ year old game that most likely has aged at least a little bit. Most people probably know it is a good game getting rereleased so many years later.
Most Mac users probably could not handle this that well, but good to hear it is coming to both linux and mac. I would love to use linux, but it just does not have the games.
redskins26rocs' comments