Given historical context, I would say Rome was the greatest.
redstorm72's forum posts
Religion of peace strikes again. I honestly don't know what the purpose of these types of attacks are. All they will do is create more hatred for Islam and force western governments to strengthen their attacks on Islamic extremist groups. ISIS or any other similar group can never win a war against the West, the most they could ever accomplish is the anger the West enough to wake the sleeping giant and have them target Islam with all their strength. It will be interesting to see how far Europe will go in the coming years in regard to targeting Islam.
Americans are very insecure aren't they? Who gives a **** what some bimbo singer says? Besides, she was referring to America's obesity rates and lack of health concern, which she isn't entirely wrong about.
How old are you guys? Because this seems like some high school level shit. Anyway, friend #1 sounds really immature. You are allowed to hang out with more than one circle of friends, there is nothing wrong with that. Besides, you didn't do anything wrong, it was friend #2 that banned friend #1 from his house (which he has every right to do), so there is no point being upset with you about it. If I had to guess, I would say that friend #1 is very insecure and probably needs you more than you need him, so just level with him and say you are going to continue hanging out with friend #2 and that if he wants to be included he needs to make things right with friend #2. If he can't handle that, then he isn't a very good friend.
I liked both. Jurassic World was the more consistently entertaining, but had a few dumb moments. Godzilla was a slower burn, but the last act of the movie was fantastic and I thought the tone was more consistent. Overall I'd say Jurassic World, but Godzilla is still awesome (the complaint about the monsters not being in it are overblown, watch Jaws, you barely see the shark the whole movie) and I am looking forward to the sequel.
Health > Money. You will pay more in the long run if you don't properly take care of your teeth now. And you know, teeth are useful.
It would suck to date/marry a girl who had no sense of humour and never made me laugh. They don't necessarily have to joke around like a dude does, but they should still be able to laugh at and make fun of certain situations.
All fast food is generally disappointing. Every time I get some I end regretting it. You can almost always make something better at home in less time and for less money.
Are you a magician? Because there is no other explanation how you can make and prepare a burger and fries faster than a fast food restaurant.
Well what do you want? If you want to just stay friends, tell her that. Also, I have a hard time believing you want to be friends with her. You said you liked her a lot before the relationship, then she cheated on you and dumped you. How are you cool with that? Honestly, it sounds like she is fucking with you to try and make you beg to take her back or make you jealous. Or she is just fucking nuts.
Yup. I've seen all the movies and I'm pretty excited to see this one. Fast 5 and 6 in particular seemed to realize that this series was ridiculous and stopped taking itself so seriously and upped the action, one liners, and bromance. Seeing the Rock carrying a mini-gun and saying "Daddy's got to go to work" just puts a smile on my face.
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