And don't forget Red Dead Redemption 2, and it's horse nuts physics.
Regulator331's forum posts
So, my Xbox One X will not power on, at all. I have tried like 3 different power outlets, and nothing. WTF Microsoft?! Two XBOX 360s died on me so I have several non-backwards compatible XBOX 360 games collecting dust, and now less than 1.5 years after purchase my Xbox One X dies. Meanwhile my original NES that I have had since I was 5 still works just fine. I hope its under warranty at the retail store (won't know till i check tomorrow). If it isn't then ill have years worth of games and my entire 4k blu ray collection that I cant touch because I won't be picking up another one until they are stupid cheap, and I definitely wont be buying project scarlet or whatever unless it proves that it is worth buying.
Hell, maybe I should just cut my losses and sell my old games and slowly re-buy my favorites on playstation or PC.
Regardless of if I get to laptop or not I decided to keep the switch pretty much for the same reason I initially bought it, which is BOTW. I had forgotten how great it is.
Mostly RDR2. I'll probably try to finish off MGSV..... which I have slowly been working on for years, after which I'll look up a YouTube video to explain the plot. I'll also probably fire up Time Crisis 2
Thanks to (mostly) everyone for the input. The particular laptop I'm looking at is an Acer Nitro with a geforce 1050 in it. On the Best Buy black friday special it is listed at a little over $500. I have a ton of games in my steam library, and I figured it would be cool to have totalwar and xcom portable. If anyone has any idea of how they run on the Acer nitro please let me know. And yes I know mario + rabbids is on the switch, but I ended up trading it back in, I just didn't enjoy it.
Then there is Smash Bros. Nintendo does make great games when they want to ut the rest of the time they are a bunch of aholes to their customers.
@mrbojangles25: laptop because portability and I already own a desktop: amd fx 8350, geforce 970, 16 gigs of ram. Not top of the line anymore but wont be due for an upgrade until well after the next gen consoles release.
The Switch has been rapidly dropping in status from my favorite console to a purchase I almost regret. I love the portability as I spend a lot of time away from home, but Nintendo's recent handling of things and their pricing is really making me angry. Seriously why do Switch games cost more than their counterparts? Why do they never go on sale? Why do they never drop in price?
I would love a portable copy Doom, Skyrim, Diablo, and Civ6, Ark..... but they are $60 each, I already own them, and they never go on sale. They aren't even going on sale for black friday. But black friday is offering up some sweet laptops, and that would open up access to my entire steam library... and its really got me thinking....
This thread is so eye opening. I've learned:
1. Dont Starve is basically the same game as Ark Survival evolved.
2. PC has no good games.... we wont count Total War Warhammer or the rest of the strategy genre.
And my favorite:
3. Spiderman and Batman Arkham are basically Street Fighter 2 in 3d.
Lol...... hadouken!
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