can we start saying the same thing about grinding the bosses on other MMO's? because thats what this is. its an MMO shooter. so if you did not expect to grind bosses for gear. then you came to the wrong game
@barkalar ummmm. What pokemon game have you been paying attention to? This is is the Pokemon game that I ( and im sure alot more ppl) have been waiting for. 3D pokemon with alot of new features and improvements this game looks AMAZING. but thats not why ppl are mad. Ppl are mad because the points he makes for docking the game points are pretty dumb. The whole " random encounters gets in the way of gyms" is absolutely garbage. the whole series is built around these random encounters and if you dont like it then you have two options. 1. dont play this kind of game. and 2. Repel is in this game for a reason. Thats why ppl are upset with the review.
@WWEKane1515 i understand and somewhat agree with you. but the reality is that more ppl play games on a console, so even if they are coded on a PC they are coded for the console and not the PC. there for we get Ports of games that were made for consoles( not all games of course) ...thats the best part of the new consoles...we will finally get some better ports!
Meh...i go where I want..i think both have great potential so i have both pre-ordered. i bought a 360 when it came out and waited a couple years to pick up a PS3..i honestly dont give a damn about the brand. i buy the system to play the games i want to play
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