Dont get me wrong i am very disappointed in the product myself. i bought expecting more and was sadly mistaken. but much like the Wii ( I also think it sucks) it had a very different group of people it was appealing to.
I wasnt trying to change your mind. i was stating why i personally have no problem pay for the service. i have both and i can tell you that hands down XBL is a much better online experience for myself. I have PS+ and i enjoy it also but i will not play games online with my PS3
you say Kinect is Sh!t. but in all reality it has done what its job is to do. it wasnt a device for hardcore gamers. it was used to get ppl that like the Wii to get involved xbox more. its a Family/ kid attraction. and let me tell you i work in retail and it has done its job very well
I have no problem giving up $60 a year for the services. How often do xbox users get Expansions for games a month before all other platforms? we also have party chat. they never had to shut down XBL for an extensive amount of time like Sony had to because of hackers. and there are plenty of other little things that paying for the service gets you whether you use them or not.
@syf82277 This is THPS HD...i use to play THPS 1 and 2...the game is fine. it plays just like it did. its hard to play so i understand that some ppl wont like it because they got use to it being way to easy. welcome to the good old days.
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