@Kevin VanOrd The show is slowly growing on me and the intro tune is pretty nice. Keep bringing in interesting guests. I do have one huge gripe concerning the technical side of the show, though. If you don't have any control over this, please pass it on to the person who does. Thanks. So here goes. Every other episode is encoded differently. This wouldn't be that big of a deal, if some of the episodes weren't encoded at 22kHz sampling rate. For a podcast, this is a bad idea. Reason: lack of vocal clarity. No one does this for a podcast, it's too low grade. Write this down: 64-80kbps @ 44kHz, MONO (using Stereo is redundant since all the channels are mixed to be in the middle). End of story.
One more thing. How does one find the page of the show without searching "gamespot gameplay"? It's supposed to be under Features. How do I get to Features from the front page of the site? To make matters worse, "Gameplay" is listed under the Video tab, which has little to do with the show (it's actual game play footage ;) ). It should be listed under CULTURE, where the Hotspot already so neatly sits, despite it being defunct. Oh the irony. All this applies to Quoted for the Truth. The Web team needs to get their sh*t together, seriously.
Was that Homer back there? Why you no say Homer is there?
There's a reason why only Brendan and Tom are in this show. There's a certain kind of chemistry between them that I've always enjoyed... Can't really put my finger on it. Few other gamespotter can comment on things with their kind of bite and humor. John has it, too, which makes him the perfect host for this.
I like the show, good crowd. One thing: the "debate club" format isn't really doing it for me. I also wouldn't mind if the show was a little longer. Can we get an audio version of this? An RSS feed I can drop into Winamp? Would really appreciate it. In fact (kinda off topic), I don't see why this couldn't work as a regular podcast. 1UP has 3 (three) podcasts, all worth listening to. Would watch again.
remotelock's comments