Since my last topic about the worst NES game in your opinion was so popular, I decided to start another topic. This time, about the Genesis.
I know a lot of you gamers must have played a Genesis or emulated one. And I wouldn't be surprised if, at one time or more, you came across a really crappy game. I know I have. And like the NES, I played more then one. One of those games was a crappy fighting game who's name I can not recall at the moment. It was so bad, I tossed it out after playing it only a few times. Like, really... In this game, you play the role of some really smooth, blue, human-likerobot fighter who has to deal with all these rebel robots by fighting them one to one. Of course, no matter how skilled you are, you are bound to get yourrobo-butt kicked by even the first fighter, due to the poor way they made the game. One moment, a punch will hardly deal any damage, while another will drain HALF your health, just like that!
And to make it worse, the controls are awful!
You can't even pick your fighter in two player mode. Only your friend can, which is not cool at all.
I think the game was called Rise of the Robots, but I can't recall too well. I would say more about this game, but I think I will save thatfor a review one day (If I ever decideto get it back).
What is the worse game you played, in your opinion?
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