When will you retarded console peasants understand that consoles are not made for you, the consumer. They are made to give maximum control and monetary gain to the piece of shit companies and publishers at the expense of your freedoms. It's not even about what hardware is better anymore. By supporting consoles you are supporting the further decline of the gaming industry. How does it feel like to be voluntarily fucked in the ass without even knowing it? Consoles are evil.
Nintendo should just fucking die. All they do is pump out shitty generic milkfests. Only reason they still exist is because the japanese are retarded. Move all of the games to the PS4, you can make much better stuff with a system like that.
@souther_hill @Deadly_Nemesis No it's not, grow up already and why would it be a disgrace to GAMING when someone doesn't agree with you? You don't make any sense, asshole.
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