@malp123 @resorber Well she is a tranny right? She obviously has certain political and moral beliefs and she obviously doesn't mind flaunting them by making statements with GAME REVIEWS. We all know what GTA is like and we all know what kind of review a hardcore feminist would give it. So that is why you DON'T give a game like this to be reviewed by such a person if you want an OBJECTIVE review.
@Ludisto @resorber Well I'm not dumb enough to give my real name on the internet, it's not because i'm a coward but because it's a unwise thing to do. And you standing on your high horse, generalizing that everyone on the internet is a coward is a pretty weak thing to do.
Yes, there are trolls and coward here but there are also people who truly believe what they say and anonymity makes people more honest. The fact that you don't happen to like what they say is of no consequence.
Polite and courteous people can be the biggest cowards because they often don't have the balls to say what they truly think.
Newsflash EA, gamers don't give a shit about sales(which can generally only be maxed by appealing to the broadest of audiences and that can't be done without making the game SHIT), we want quality games.
resorber's comments