All you guys are cynical that are disliking this. Just because you don't think its right doesn't mean anything. Face the facts. If you don't like don't bother commenting or reading the article. My friend went through the samething, and she is having a hard time. Don't judge people for being who they are. You guys gonna call me a homo now for treating people equally?
Alot of you complaining are a bunch of whiners. If your not sure, don't pre order yet! Commonsense makes everything better. If your a die hard fan just like myself and just want to beat the whole series all the way to the end, then do it! My god, don't base your opinions on someone else's crap. I am not saying this article is crap, because it's 100000000000% correct. But it's just the matter of people really.
@xXSouTHxPaRKXx : It just depends on what game you like better. Ignore all of them that has a side on each one. Those people are usually the fanboys no less XD. My perspective about either of those games, is that i like them both equally the same. Each game has a unique style that the other one doesn't have. So yes i can see why you get frustrated when somebody says one is better than the other, but in reality, there both about the same if you think about it :P
Xbox should go just because they are greedy bastards. They expect to MAKE you pay for online gaming, not very many good exclusives because you can just get the same games for PC. Yeah sure lets go to Sony and blame them for bad internet and such and its low what? At least SONY has its own independant games and the online is FREE the last time i checked. Plus Microsoft makes computers and the software it self so there making TWICE the money then god knows what in the world, so i don't see why people are pounding on Sony when clearly Microsoft has many cons. >_>
reyace's comments