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@evil_snuggles just give us the teraflops
@evil13killer @rezarazor it was a though challenge
I wanna test my mind control superpower... so...
Every One Stop Hating X1.
@richmessi But they do not run faster on Xbox One!
@SiLenTWarrior29 @GLOK1132 @Bregzeinkul your understanding is noticeably faster than Xbox One.
@richmessi so the old kinect hypnotists too! o:
@FAIL_RETURNETH that was just me
@onixevil @rezarazor some say TV is noticeably faster than Xbox One !
The Question is
What isn't noticeably faster than Xbox One ?!
@chiyochan111 Wii U is noticeably faster that Xbox One .
Use your keyboard!
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