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Another Mindless Update

Okay, it took me awhile to figure out how to post a blog. Everything is so different here, I think this site improved, but I'm just not sure how to navigate it yet. I've been pretty caught up in life, sorta... my kinda sorta life. I've been hanging out with different groups of people on and off, it started on Halloween and it's been pretty weird, I feel kinda like a guest star, I don't really fit in. Sometimes I wonder why I agree to hang out... then I remember that there will be beer.

So, I'm enjoying the single life, even though there's really no one I'm into. It seems like there are so many great guys out there when you're in a relationship, but the second you're single, they all evaporate... or get engaged or something. What's up with that?

Since I've been single with no viable dating prospects, I've been watching ALOT more shows. I'm kinda taking it easy on the anime/manga, I can't watch Bleach, I can't read Fruits Basket; it sucks, but I need something to kick start my love for it. I DID watch School Days, damn that was great. I tried to watch Lucky Star, but they mostly talked about food eating techniques.

I've been watching My Name is Earl, which never piqued my interest until I was on a plane to Denver, they played recent episodes, and I thought it was awesome. So I've seen the first season, but the second one is almost impossible to find online. I might just buy it, 'cuz I'm lazy. I'm completely up to date with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I just wish the title was shorter. I guess IASIP is okay, but I have more trouble remembering an acronym than anything else. I'm still loving Terminator, the Sarah Connor Chronicles (or whatever the hell it's called), At first I was upset when John cut his hair, but he's still pretty sexy :P There seems to be some awkward sexual tension btw him and Cameron, it kinda freaks me out, I'm not going to lie.

Let's see, what else. Oh, How I Met Your Mother has been real good, I'm just waiting for Robin and Barney to hook up again, haha. I'm such a nerd, I even bought the book, the "Bro Code" although I am neither a bro, nor do I abide by its teachings. It made me laugh a little, but I probably won't be reading it again. It could have been more clever I guess, but it did inspire me to do my x-mas shopping in like September. I just bought everything on, it was pretty great. At least I didn't have to participate in Black Friday, I hate going to the mall, especially when there are people there, Oh, it pisses me off when I can't walk as fast as I want to. Usually I swerve and weave around people, but it's just too much work, considering people are getting trampled now-a-days.

Lately I've been listening to SO much Mindless Self Indulgence, I'm pissed that they aren't coming to Mass this year, but they are going to Maine. I really wish I had a concert buddy :( But I might go up there by myself anyway. I just love the little Jimmy

Single, crippled, and in need of a haircut

I hurt my arms at work the other day, I'm considering a bionic replacement. I blame the cakes, and the fact that my boss is too cheap to hire another cake decorator. Cake decorating apparently takes a lot of skill, I tried to I mean train a new coworker to decorate some bar cakes and he just wasn't catching on. It felt more like babysitting, but it's still better than actually making them myself, so I can't complain. It would be great to have a bionic arm. I only want one arm so that I can feel with my left hand, I think that's a good compromise (fleshy part is negotiable). I could decorate with lightning quick speed, while doing something else, liking naping or tea drinking. As it is now, it hurts to do anything: touching a mouse, holding a tea pot, reading a comicbook. The only thing I can do comfortably is walk because my arms are hanging by my side, even sitting hurts. But it's okay, I think most of it is psychological anyway, my other boss was explaining the symptoms of carpal tunnel and before I was sure I didin't have it, but the more I thought about it, the more the symptoms seem to appear, and painkillers do nothing. It makes me wonder...

Well, I'm enjoy my newly acquired singlehood. The first few days were a bit lonely at times until I realized that I finally have time to watch new anime, or hang out in places to draw, or actually see my friends!!! So I'm content, although we agreed to keep in contact...which I don't look forward to. Oh well.

My boyfriend's just a figure

Oh my god, I'm so addicted to Absolute Boyfriend!! I bought the first three volumes and now I've resorted to reading them online, I can't go to the bookstore twice in one week, but I can't wait at all, i need to know what happens NOW!! I must say, I could relate to volume two... uh ... a little too well. I'm feeling like I'm being torn between two guys and I can't decide. The main problem is that they're both human, so it makes the decision harder, now if one of them was a "nightly figure" I think that would make my decision for me!!

[no subject] is not very Mac-friendly, it never lets me post in my blog, but gamespot will. So I've been a lurker, checking out people's blogs, or scanning through forum posts. I don't feel much like talking I guess.

I saw the Avatar finale last night, I was so excited, my bf even watched it with me, and he has no interest in Avatar. Recently my friend revived my interest in the show and I rushed to watch all the episodes I could find until I was up to the present. I think I watched it too quickly, I never developed any ships, but not shipping (which is unusual for me) was actually rather freeing. I watched the show and enjoyed it's content instead of fixating on who would be with who (sorry, I don't know when to use "whom" :P). But yeah, I enjoyed it. I attempted to visit the forum for it and was a bit appalled by the constant shipping wars. I was hoping to read other people's opinions on the new episodes but lost the patience.

In other news, I smell like coconuts

Oh hey, what's up

Wow, I haven't been on this website for awhile, I hope nobody missed me :P

It's the absolute last week of school, so I've been hanging out here everyday for over two weeks trying to get stuff done. My computer is still broken but I don't mind. It's actually nice being at school, usually I'm in such a rush to leave that I never socialize. Lately I've been meeting new people, or getting a chance to talk to people I know from class. It's been pretty cool and I've been feeling a lot more like myself.

I'm so tired, I decided to walk to downtown Salem for lunch and back. It took about two hours total (both ways, including the time it takes to eat and buy comic books). I went to the comic book store and they were selling select manga for a buck each! So even though I walked the whole way, that didn't stop me from buying as much Kare Kano as I could get my hands on. After I walked back on campus, I decided to sit on the grass in the shade to catch my breath. Then this janitor guy, his name badge said George, makes small talk with me and then offers me candy. It was bizarre. I accepted the candy, but I won't be eating it. Yes, he was a stranger and I took his candy.

My computer's no, Life isn't THAT bad ^_^

I'm so glad my computer decided to break right around the end of the semester. Things have been pretty bad lately. I mean, I think it seems a lot worse to me than it really is. When you feel down, everything looks kinda gray, and even good things seem crappy. Life's changing again, so I I'm in the process of coping. A co-worker I was friendly with recently got fired just when I was starting to like my job again. But in all honesty, I hate it there, and although I may feel good about it for a moment or two, it doesn't change the fact that my job sucks and I'm stuck there for the money and benefits. My relationships was a little shaky, but we've been putting some effort into and it'll be okay so long as we keep at it. School's ending and I'm freaking out about it. I only have two weeks left and then I have to be ... a grown up ::shutter::. How freaky is that? There is a lot of pressure from my family to be successful, and happy, and willing to talk about my achievements. It gets hard when your faith in yourself is waning. I just need a good boot in the ass, I know I'll be okay. Just need to vent.

Oh, my friend JB lent me a good graphic novel the other day, "Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things". The graphics are good, high contrast, and the story is fun and surprisingly dark. I read volume one, I may consider buying the rest. Special mention of this week's Death Note. I love and hate Light at they same time. I don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen it, and plans to in the future.

The lack of Ichigo spur creative somehow

Lately I've been less into Bleach than usual. I find that the less I'm into anime, the more creative I am, which is important since I'm an art major taking two design-laden clas$es. It's like when I watch Bleach and get all wrapped up in the story, my brain dies. My demented brainmeats cannot think of anything else except Renji's pretty hair or Ichigo badass attitude. I don't even try stay up to watch Death Note or Bleach on adultswim. Normally I would want to support it but, I'm not going to bed at 1:30 just to wake up at 7 for work on Sunday. I cheat and watch it online in English (Yes, I'm beating the system I once abided by, you know, before I was forced to work the morning shift). So now without anime, I have the desire to draw non-anime related things, maybe not well, but certainly not anime.

Well, today has been a good day, people at work are dancing, my self-proclaimed stalker bought me lunch and I got an A-/B+ on my two assignments, yay!

Just Say No to GameSpot Unions!

I hereby decree that I will no longer participate/join/post/read anything from any GameSpot unions. I'm done, I'm sick of the spam mail "motivating me to post". Honestly, one message would be fine, but to get FOUR pointless messages in a row infuriates me. I initially joined for the fun of it, but to constantly be "motivated" to visit the site has become a nuisance. If you want a successful union don't harass your members, post something interesting, or make banner ads to attract someone who might be interested.

Whether it be the Random Union or the Totally Random Union, as of today, I will resign.

My last day

Well, it's my last day being 23, it's been the most liberating year I've been alive. Liberating in the sense that people's opinions no longer rule over my actions. I've spend the last year and a half trying to climb out of the hole I wasted 4 years digging. I'm not out yet, it's difficult to undo several years of unhappiness, but I'm getting closer to living the life I want to live.

I spend all morning preparing my birthday cheesecake but then realized that I don't have enough time to bake it before work...damn. i guess I could bake it there, after all I do work at a bakery, but I think I'm already in trouble there anyway. I worked two days in a row, and I overworked my right hand. It's been three days and it's still sore, meaning that I now have to decorate cakes (and do just about everything else) with my left hand. Surprisingly, they didn't come out too bad, I just couldn't make a lot of them. I work a lot slower as a lefty.

Yesterday at school, I genuinely thought for a moment that if I hugged anyone other than my boyfriend, they would turn into an animal from the Chinese zodiac. I think I've been watching too much Fruits Basket...maybe I am a fruits basket lol.

Finally an Update

man, I can't even go to the Bleach forum anymore, every thread contains spoilers from the Japanese version or it's the same tired old "dubbed vs subbed" topics. Man, I can't wait for March 1st, at least I'll have something to read after the the new episodes air.

In the meantime, I've been watching Scrubs every time it's on Comedy Central, it's my new Fraiser. I still watch insane amounts of Fraiser, but I've seen just about every episode. Scrubs if fresh and new to me, unfortunately it is never aired in order. One episode J.D. is a doctor, the next he's an intern. I'm not even sure if they are coming out with new episodes or not. It always seems like I discover a really good show after it's already cancelled. Arrested Development is a good example of this. I heard that 30 rock is pretty funny, I may check it out at some point.

I haven't been doing much lately, just working, avoiding people, fighting with co-workers (the friendly kind of fighting where you throw things at each other and lock the other in the freezer). It's a good time. Not sure why, but I'm growing fond of fighting with a particular co-worker. I think it's because we are trading insults, he's actually listening to me, unlike the other people I work with. Well, that's my story.