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Top 5 Songs for the week

I can't say that I have an all-time favorite song or list of songs. I change my mind often and while I do hold some songs dear, I can't always listen to them. I usually get attached to songs for a period of time, but for simplicity's sake, I'll say on a weekly basis. Just for reference, I typically listen to rock, metal and other sub-genres but recently my music tastes have expanded. This week's top picks are:

"Kiss" - KoRn

"Makes me Wonder" - Maroon 5 (i can finally admit this)

"Drive" - Incubus

"Beautiful Disaster" - 311

"SexyBack" - Justin Timberlake (i'll try not to be ashamed lol)

What are your top 5 favorite songs?

banners with a pinch of insomnia

hehe I have too much fun making banners in photoshop. Too bad I can't upload it to my blog "header". I'm too tired to care though. But I did upload it on a random thread in the Bleach forum. hehe, I'm tired. I can't wait for the day when I do something that isn't Bleach related. hehe sleepy now.


This is annoying. For some reason won't post my review for Marmalade Boy. It's a good review. Watch, it'll probably appear 4 times because I kept clicking on it.


I really love this new song, "Kiss" off of KoRn's new cd "Untitled". I recommend that everyone download it, just be warned, it's a slow song (but that's what makes it so good). I'm going to see Muse and the Cold War Kids in a few minutes, I'm so excited, I even straightened my hair for the occasion. XP I've never been to the venue, so it should be interesting.

this was a fun forum post

You Know You've Read/Watched Too Much Bleach When...

you think a true genteman rips open his shirt to offer you the first cut.
you invite new friends to your "garden of manliness".
juice boxes seem too complicated.
in a drunken state you demand to know what squad people are from.
you consider eyebrow tattoos.
you perpetually squint your eyes, especially when you smile.
you refer to the afterlife as life in the Rukongai.
you would rather transform into a cat than choose an outfit.
friends sleep in your bedroom closet.
you keep one red glove with you just in case.
your explanations include intentionally crude drawings.
you own or make your very own "Nice Vibe" t-shirt.
you think a white kimono with pink flowers is mighty manly.
you dye your hair white/gray and self-proclaim "whitey-chan" as your nickname.
you think of Matsumoto everytime you drink sake.
you learn archery just so you can be like Uryu.
you claim you can see spirit ribbons.
you wear an eyepatch to conceal your true power.

[will add more later]

Slightly scarier

you vehemently ship characters (RENJIXRUKIA!).
you search pictures on Deviantart to support your ship...
you make your own.
you stay up until 3am watching fanmade music videos, random clips, parodies or bleach sims performing menial tasks.
you made those...
you don't want Ichigo to be gay but it doesn't stop you from watching yaoi amvs (
you cosplay or are considering it.

[damn, I thought I had more...maybe it's better off this way]

I am accepted

Ooh, I'm so happy my recap for Bleach Episode 10 has been accepted! YAY! I think I'll write a recap for episode 11 since there is only a sentence.  I am delighted, and also very hungry.
In other random news, my shoulder seems to be slightly dislocated. My neck hurts but it hasn't compromised my range of I guess it's okay. I was just at the doctors for an appointment like 3 days ago, I'm not going back unless I experience pain, and I mean ALOT. I don't enjoy going to the doctors. For now I can live with having one pointy shoulder...granted it freaked my co-workers out, but they're hypersensitive. Everyone else (family, bf) barely noticed it.
This Saturday I will see MUSE, one of my favorite British bands! Last time they toured with My Chemical Romance but had some bad fastfood and cancelled. Quitters. But this time they will be headlining the tour so THEY CAN'T CANCEL! If they cancel *and* I miss Bleach, I will be explode!
That is all

I try not to swear but this site won't let me anyway.

Okay, so my day is off to a bad start. First, my mom gave me a hard time about school. She pointed out that all my friends have graduated, and that I shouldn't stay another semester. "i have no friends!" I retorted even though it's more dramatic than accurate. Most of the people that I was friends with did graduate, but the friendships ended before graduation was even in sight. School is a touchy subject for me at the moment. I'm not completely confident that I'll be graduating this semester. I'll have to get in touch with the head of the department to find out for sure. Let's just say that I've been in College longer than expected, and there has been quite a few recent revisions to major and minor requirements. It's something that could potentially screw me over for another year if I'm not careful. So the last thing I need is to feel bad about myself before my day even begins (oh, and it's a long 10 hour work day too).
Upon arriving to my first job, I attempted to parallel park but the space may have been too small. Parallel parking in the front of the building is the best possible parking situation you can get, it's rare to find a space early in the morning, but when you do it's worth it. Parking in the allotted spaces in the parkinglot results in a 10 minute walk up to the building. It's not that I mind walking, but I would feel somewhat accomplished if I got a closer space. Instead, I created a large gap between my car and my bumper and I had to park in the parkinglot. Yeah, I feel wonderful.


I've been too busy lately to visit this website, oh well. I've been working on a recap for Bleach episode 10. It's funny, I didn't really like the episode all that much but since I've rewatched it multiple time, I rather like it. Don Kanonji is still annoying though. I just have to reread the recap again to make sure it 1. makes sense and 2. is an accurate account of the episode. 
I've been at work all day, my brain is dying. :p On the plus side, it's almost time to go home! YAY!

Just as a sidenote

I find it irksome that just for joining I am automatically signed up for other websites I don't give a crap about (gamespot, and filmspot).