No they're staying at 500 but in europe they are not having a price cut right now they are budling it with resistance motorstorm and an extra controller and leaving it the same price. The guy they interviewed was from SCEEurope.. and wait didn't read the entire article until now I think that they will continue the 60 gb model after a media blitz and fire that guy for telling the media what they were considering at the time.
They do however have a good bundle now in europe it comes with resistance motorstorm and an extra now it's only like you're paying 700 dollars and being forced at gunpoint to buy 2 games and a controller. Though I still only had to pay $500 and a semi broken ps2 in January. But then again those 2 games and a controller as well as some psn stuff are the only purchases I've made.
I thought the graphics for Halo 3 looked really really good you can nitpick about slight slowdown during some explosions but altogether it looked really excellent. Though as for mass effect, It all of a sudden looked alot worse. Imean compare it to older trailers. Thie white cowstume looked alot less shiny the textures look staler and there is bad slowdown during explosions.
It was a bit dissapointing apart from halo 3 though i felt like I'd seen all the trailers before the show and I'm no insider. Even RE 5 which looked cool seemed too familiar though it did get pretty darnclose to the target render which was refreshingly not make to look to uber. It seemeed like no announcements were made but thats probably because I hoped for a price drop.
Aww can't ask any questions on this fast paced thread I missed the first 30 min did anything really interesting happen before the pgr4 trailer and does anyone think there will be a price cut??
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