Does the Windows desktop look right at that resolution setting? Does it all fit on the screen right? Unfortunately, I don't have my pc hooked up to a 1080p tv, but if the windows desktop is working correctly, and I had to guess on a problem, I'd suggest looking at the screen resolution and scaling options in the catalyst control center and make sure it's set to the same as your tv in there. Knowing the other things I've seen in Homefront though, I wouldn't be too surprised if they messed up on that though.guynamedbillyyea the windows desktop looks fine - it goes all to the edge and i have set the overscan to 0% (those stupid ATI people put overscan controls in the worst place) and the display at dot-by-dot
rightkidney's forum posts
no I am not talking about windowed mode I am talking about black lines on all sides of the picture - I can change it to windowed mode or the not full screen one in the settings and actually get more of it on screen I dont understand the problem, I bought this game but I also downloaded a copy off the internet for free thats cracked and it has the same problem I have had this problem with just about all the games I have - Crysis 1 and the expansion for it warhead I think it was called - I cant even get these to run at 1920x1080, there is no option for that res in the menuA lot of games launch in Windowed mode, I've seen Assassin's Creed 1, Crysis and Warhead, Far Cry 2 and BF BC2 do it before just to name a few. What fixes it for me is ALT+ENTER, then it will switch to fullscreen mode. Some games are fine after that and will launch full screen from then on, some need the setting re-enabled in the options settings or ini files, etc. Hope that helps.
[QUOTE="The-Apostle"] When you quoted him, did you use quick quote or regular? If regular quote, were you using the editor or not using it? I only ask because he clearly has the editor turned on, and (I can't believe I'm saying this) that's why he's having problems. I don't know about copy/pasting, but I do know that the editor gives an extra space unless you hold shift then press enter. It also doesn't tell you if you got misspelled words unless you ask it to. The-Apostle
I only use quick quote/reply. I have the editor on but it doesn't load for quick quote reply unless I hit "preview". You don't get misspelled words in red text?
I don't if I use the editor. I do without it though. If I hit spell check I get the red line. Also, I just tested the copy/paste thing while using the editor. TC's right. It doesn't work. I guess I've just never had a problem with it because I always use shortcut keys.
I do wish that it would flow better whether we use the editor or not.
Also, thanks for mentioning preview. I guess that helps somewhat, though I still think it should be faster.
yep I turned off that editor that has a strange name ad it looks like it works normally now but again, forums systems like vbulletin work fine and I notice that almost all other forums that I go to use that - the only one that doesent use it is the forums that are for a company, like DirecTV, or History channel, and some others like that[QUOTE="rightkidney"]why cant firefox spel check itRight now as I hit quote FireFox is spell checking and you have 2 words spelled wrong:PDracula68
strange because when I press quote I see this - and there arent any red lines under any words including spel which should be spell
yea if you look at my postings I really space things out
I try to type as if I was talking out loud to someone and I pause at points - I also put these "-" in place of a period because I dont do a good job at writing things that are "proper"
yea a "Shift Enter" will take me 1 line down but who decided that - I normally type and autoatically put 2 lines between each line anyways so typing here results in larger then normal spaces
but why is it not working like all other forums I use - why cant firefox spel check it
so why does this forums not work like all other forums I use
I cant edit postings I have made and firefox cant spell check what I type in this box, I have to use the spell checking feature which sucks to use and its another step as well
when I type here its not a normal size and when I press "Enter" to go to another line it brings me 2 lines down not 1
I cant use the right click to paste something into this window, it says "Currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcuts instead." - I am using Firefox like everyone else on the internet except for stupid people who still use IE or people who use something else like safari or chrome and so on, but its Firefox so why isnt it supported
whats the problem here and why not use something like vbulletin of whatever else that all other forums use that works fine
I also got this message while trying to post this - "
- Errors:
- - Tag span may not have attribute id"
yea if I use my dvdo vp-50 I can make it go away by zooming by 1 pixel on the right side of the screen - but this is not something that everyone has so you would have to use a non 1 to 1 pixel mapping setting on your tv to get it to go away - like the dot-by-dot or 1:1 or just scan modes that TV's have and that sucks
I am glad I just rented this game and have preordered black opps because this and the mutliplayer sucks
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