rininganboy's forum posts
I think I'll do a normal NUR first and if I feel that I can do it, a NUR+ afterwards.
So that's how you do tricking in this game. I already knew about the rapid weapon switching causing every enemy except archers and bosses to quit attacking.
Tricking: yes I would like to know how
Why a NUR instead of a NUR+? Because I don't think I could do a NUR+ on this game. It was easier in the last game because most enemies could be infinite grabbed, air grabbed, or OH'ed to death without worrying about taking damage.
I don't know how to trick in GoW1 but I was able to trick twice during Ares1 but I don't know how I did it- I was trying to use PR to trick through his HAMMERTIME but since I have a controller with overly sensitive direction buttons that causes me to sometimes select a different magic than the one I want, anyways I ended up selecting ZF twice in a row and going through his attack unscathed. As for the family moving glitch I grabbed the family at the same time as the clone grabbed me.
What's next? Hmm, well when I get GoW2 back from a friend that I let borrow it, I'll probably do a TMNUR.
Well time for an update. I have gotten to the save point before the fight with Ares. The only part I had any trouble with was the conveyor belt room until I found a sweet spot at the exit of the room-the first step of the doorway which won't activate the flamethrowers and keeps me from moving on the conveyors-after killing all the archers with grabs, so I only had to deal with the harpies and as soon as they dive bombed me, I rolled forward to escape the attack and would grab them whenever I had the chance. The only other place I had trouble with was the 11 satyrs fight because the last hit of punt would sometimes send them in inexplicable trajectories. Next is Ares1 to complete this run, I forsee no problems for this fight.
BTW: I just bought a camera and was wondering how I could record gameplay footage? I mean like addam's vids.
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