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rinsaku932 Blog

For All the Wrong Reasons

So, the big news this week is Israel's war on Hezbollah, again. Yeah, sure, I think we've heard enough of it. Two weeks of hearing nothing but "them damn Israelis are boming Tyre" and "them damn Hezbollah militants are boming Haifa" is enough for five lifetimes. Let's focus on something that's really been troubling me lately.

We have so many wrongs in our society. I know I don't have enough time to name ALL of the problems, but if you've had your head buried in the sand for a while, I'll give you the tip of the iceberg:

~We've got ourselves a b***hy actress (a.k.a. Lindsay Lohan) who doesn't like to work. Or act.
~Men in tuxedo suits (i.e. Lou Dobbs) are preaching to us the war on the middle class, while he's thinking about that nice turkey dinner he's gonna eat when he gets to his million-dollar house.
~Rich son-of-a-b***hes are getting tax cuts (for about the millionth time).
~While I'm on that subject, some of those rich S.O.B.'s are getting their c**ks sucked off by a paid 16-year-old prostitute.
~Men in Congress are thinking about raising their salaries (for the 4th time), and are just now thinking about raising the minimum wage to $7.25. At election time. How convienent. >_>
~There's a man named "George" who's breaking the law, but everyone's looking the other way. By the way, officers, if you want to arrest "George", he lives on 1600 Pennsylvania Street (or whatever it is) in Washington, D.C.. He lives in a huge white house. You can't miss it.
~World War III, which is gonna blow us all up to Mars, is starting, but everyone's too busy talking about the next American Idol season to pay attention to WWIII.

Like I said, that's just the tip of the iceburg. I could go on all night creating a list of reasons why society sucks, but I'm too lazy and tired to give a crap.

Anyway, now you might be thinking to yourselves, "Wow! There are a lot of problems out there! I wonder how we could fix them...?"

Well, my friends, look no futher! I offer you good folk a solution to all these problems! (here comes another list) The following solutions solve all of the above listed problems:

~Make the b***h work at a McDonalds for a year. That's the way to learn about this new fad called "hard work".
~Fire Dobbs. And all of the rest of the hypocrite news hosts for all I care. Replace them with people who have to work for a living (i.e. middle-class workers). Let them tell their fellow people what's going on in Congress.
~Raise the freakin' tax for rich people!! This will help the economy greatly. Oh, and those rich S.O.B.'s might complain that you won't get "their vote". Who gives a rat's ass about "their vote"? How many of them are there compaired to millions of middle- and low-class workers?
~I can't stress this enough: ARREST THE SICK TWISTED LITTLE FREAKS! This will improve society by a long shot. Especially if those freaks get life-in-prison.
~I have a brilliant idea here: raise the minimum wage salary at least every year or two. Is that too much to ask? And don't even think about raising the wages when the dreaded "election time" rolls around. Do it before we even talk about the elections.
~Call up your local officers. Tell them about the so-called "George" who's practically a criminal mastermind. Give them the directions I gave above, and they'll know what you're talking about.
~On the next American Idol, another talented teenager will get a record deal. There, satisfied? Now turn the channel to CNN. There's a little thing called "World War III" you need to learn about...

BA-BAM! There are some of my solutions that will help out society greatly. Now our children's children might not be so ashamed of us if we just follow these simple tips.

Get rich people to start working for a living, lock up sexual predators for the rest of their days, and give middle-class workers a break every once in a while. Is that too hard to do? I guess it is when you live in America.

Pure Gamers Rock Out Loud

We do. Seriously. In other words, I joined up with a multi-gaming clan just recently. Their name's Pure, and all of the members are so nice! n_n If you're looking for a great clan to join, here's the link: Sign up at the forums and you're automatically a member. Sign in while we're still recruiting! ;-)

Which leads me to today's blog post subject. Apparently, Pure didn't have a Guild Wars squad up, so I offered to help them out in that area and founded an in-game guild to represent Pure. I've already got a member, and capes! The only problem now: getting ourselves a hall. Which is why I'm planning an HoH invasion tommorow night.

To prepare for the invasion, I've come up with ways to prepare myself to lead these brave fighters to glory. Today, I present to you:

The Getting-Yourself-Ready-To-Lead-A-Bunch-of-People-in-GW
...and Stuff Guide!

Step 1) Always start off preperation time with a long, hot shower. Make sure to have expensive mall-bought shampoo and conditioner and soap before-hand. If you have music, it helps to pass the time. Play it in a CD-Player, and (i can't stress this enough) PLAY THE PLAYER OUTSIDE OF THE SHOWER. The chances of getting yourself foolishly shocked drop dramatically when you keep electrical stuff OUTSIDE the shower.

Step 2
) After the shower, always cool down from the shower with a full-body mask. Or, at least, from the face to the arms. Make sure to NOT touch anything, lest something gets covered in mud and your mask gets ruined (sort of). Keep the mask on for at least 20 minutes. Listen to music or read a document while you wait.

Step 3
) Prepare your hair. This usually involves much combing. If you aren't used to such hard work, have someone else brush hair. If there is hair soyeuse at hand, use it. It'll make your hair better. How, I have no idea, but it's gotta be good if it was bought at the mall.

Step 4) Pamper body with mall-bought body lotion. Make sure to massage the sore areas so you won't get cramps when you're nuking that damn annoying monk in the Hall of Heroes. Trust me. It helps.

Before Entering The Battle

Step 5) Glide lip gloss over lips. Make sure to do it quickly, or else you'll miss that called target. Or worse, get spiked.

And that's it for the guide! Oh, I guess I should point out: the guide only works if you're a girl, like myself. Or if you're a brave enough man to put on a body mask and glide lip gloss on.

Before I go... eMachines gets PWN'D! In Google form.

Yes, that's it. Laugh at the 0wnage. Laugh, my minions. Laugh...

Anyway, enjoy my revenge on eMachines and watch me leave. Bye!

Can We Get Out the Pitchforks NOW?

This is bulls**t...

Our tax dollers at work, ladies and gentlemen. While people were dying in the aftermath of Katrina, FEMA was buying booze and b***hes to please their asses (and other parts of the male body i could mention). And they were paying housing to prison inmates while people were drowning in what was formerly the Big Easy. Why is this going on in the first place? I guess no one's got the answer, but that's beside the point.

Our U.S. government likes to suck c**k. That's apparently true. I could name millions of ways we could improve the government, but no one would listen. I really do hope in light of this news, people who are right in the head will start to stand up to our so-called "government officials who know what's best for us". But, I can guess what's going to happen:

No one will pay attention. The story will fade into the archives and be deleted at the next spring clean-up. People will be dumb enough to re-elect all the damn government officials we got. There will be no change.

No change sucks.

Not My Day

Guess what??? It's... I do NOT want to think about it. The date speaks for itself. I'm a Christian for Pete's sake! I'll be glad when midnight rolls around here. Maybe it'll bring a bulldozer to roll down "6-6-06" and yeah, I do like to put the zero in there. Makes it sound less... evil-y.

Anyway, it's time for "Rinsaku932's Greatest Rants Hour"! Last time, on the show, the Nazi's were taking over "teh americuh". The Nazi's may not have suceeded yet, but we wish them bad luck and we hope they all go to jail before they take over the Senate. Now, for today's show, we talk about... GAY MARRIAGE! Or, more specifically, the Senate b***hing about gay marriage. This is our tax dollas at work, people! We pay Senators $=$DOLLARS$=$ every year so they can b***h on about gay marriage when there are a whole lot more problems out there like poverty and crazy sex offenders hell-bent on f**king every child on the planet. There's something wrong with this picture.

Let's look at it in pure, 100% detail. We pay Senators from the grand 50 states lotsa money every year so they can b***h about senseless things like gay marriage and how to fight on some more in Iraq. Meanwhile, in Florida, there's some drunk-ass teenager beating up a poor, defenseless, homeless person for no reason whatsoever. When he gets caught, the judge lets him go. While all of this is going on, some dude's at Walt Disney Land on vacation to get away from that nice, cozy prison they keep near the park. He's eyeing all the little girls, daydreaming in his sick little twisted mind all the things he's gonna do to her once the government drops some more laws, which they'll do eventually. A guard's watching him do this, and he don't mind. The judge said to let the guy daydream, so what could the officer do? And what's our trustworthy Senate doing about all these wrongs in our society? Sitting on their fat asses at daytime, b***hing about senseless s**t, and at night letting a prostitute bang them. (if they're male. i have no idea about the females)

So, what's the solution in this situation? Oh, I'll tell you the answer: let's the people decide what to do about that nasty subject known as gay marriage! While the Senators sit on their asses some more while actually talking like civilized people about ways to correct the wrongs in our society! That's the way to go!! But I'm just a teenage girl from Indiana, so what do I know?

Anyway, just want to do one more thing before I go...


If you're a Christian, I hope you like the Cross. I hope it protects you from the few evil hours of the day there is left here. If you're not a Christian, well, at least appreciate the nice job I did there. It took me less than 5 minutes, but man, it looks good! :-D

Anyway, happy June 7, when the evil day's over with, and be safe!

Break out the Soda!

It is officially summer vacation! w00t w00t! I finally have more time to myself, and guess what that means? Video games for three months! And, a little bit of swimming if I get a chance to clean out the mutant scum living at the bottom of my pool...

Anyway, yes, I do get more time to play games. Check out my Xfire profile. You'll see I have 30+ hours of WoW in and another 30+ hours of Gunz. I have around 11 hours of BF2 (as far as i remember) and 5 hours of Half-Life 2 (surprising there, considering i'm scared of what those headcrabs might do to me if i let my guard down... O~o). This is so excellent! Even better: I'm going to get GW: Factions on Wednesday! I've been wanting this game for so long. Two days from now, I finally get me very own copy of Factions. ^_^ Me very very happy indeed!

Newsy time! Letmesee here... What's something I can rant about today? Hum hum... Oh! Here we go! *ahem* Oh mi gosh! WTF...
Sez here that New Orleans police shot a mentally disabled dude in the back after Katrina. I haven't read the whole article yet, but DEBEW-TEE-EFF! This sounds almost like what Hitler did to his disabled people during the Holocaust. Oh holy...

I almost smashed the computer screen for a sec. My mistake. Anyway, I'm only gonna say this once: I hate Hitler! If you want reasons as to why I hate him so much, my list is one mile long. It'd take me two days to tell you every single little reason. So, let's not get into details, but let me say that the number one reason why I hate him is because of his ideology. I'm getting off topic, so you can figure that one out for yourself. Anyway, Chris (my boyfriend) thinks America is becoming a second nazi Germany. I agree with him. Look at all the proof around here. Like the Fox News people! They blabber on about nothing! And look at gas prices! They're going up one cent every day, but we never realize it! So mysterious!

I'm was fooling with you there the last few sentences. But yeah, I do think "teh americuh" is becoming another nazi state. I'm too tired to give proof, but you can Google the name "George W. Bush" and I can 99.9% guarentee you about 15/16 of those results are gonna be conspiracy-theorist-related or anti-bush. Yeah, it does get bad when 3/4 of the public thinks Bush is a lame-duck prez and he's neck-deep in scandals.

That's it for today's rant. Remember: if you're gonna waste most of your summer on video games, at least have the right snacks and drinks at your side! I'm off.

Commies in the States!

RED ALERT! RED ALERT! We got commies in these United States! Get out your "Nuclear Bomb Survival Kit"! Get under a sturdy piece of furniture! Prepare for a possible World War III!

I love exaggerating. :-D No, don't get ready for WWIII (yet) . I'm just gonna come out with this: I think American CEOs of oil companies are acting like commies. Why? They're gouging our arms and legs off and gouging cold hard cash outta our wallets! I was watching that new CNN show "Glenn Beck" (which is so funny :-D) and he showed something that said before Katrina, barrel prices were around $63 a piece (i don't remember exactly) and gas prices were $2.53 a gallon. In our post-Katrina world, when everything settled down, barrel prices were $60 a piece and gas prices were $2.80 a gallon. I'm hoping I didn't give you a heart attack, but that's the cold truth. Here's another piece of reality: THEY'RE PRICE GOUGING US AND THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION IS ACTING TOO RICH TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Or maybe it's because Bush is acting soft to his oil friends so they'd vote republican this year...

Either way, I'm not lovin' it. (heh heh, i stole that from mcdonalds :-3 a one-time thing) Shouldn't Congress be doing something about this? Oh, wait, Congress ain't gonna move any of their fat fingers because their halls are full of stinkin' rich Republicans. My gosh, sometimes I wonder what the hell our government's good for.

Oh, speaking of *that*, I'd like to comment about the Minuteman project. I don't know all the details, but from what I heard from the Glenn Beck show (ha ha, that's becoming one of my fave shows :-D) the Mexican government ain't showing some love for the Minutemen. The way I see it, the Minutemen are doing the dirty work of *Congress*, who (again) don't want to lift a fat finger or thumb to help these guys out. So these guys are getting the flames of the Mexicans while Congress is in the sidelines watching the whole thing and being too lazy to do anything to help out the whole situation. That ain't right.

Before I go, I'd like to say something else. If Warren Jeffs is reading this (which i doubt) I want to tell you this: you're a blubbering, child-molestin' coward and you should turn yourself in to the cops. Yeah, I'm talkin' to *you*, Jeffs. *points finger to the screen* You m*********ing son of a b****! You're a f****in' embarassment to the Mormon religion and all that and you better turn yourself in before you get f***ed up by a SWAT team with armed dogs. Trust me, you're gonna face a SWAT team sooner or later. You're there with a gun and you don't know how to use it, and you're facing an experienced SWAT team with dogs. Who's gonna get f***ed up there, Jeffs? Who?!

Sorry, I just had to say that. Warren Jeffs just gets me so ticked off, and I tend to cuss a lot when I get ticked. None of that was directed to no one but Jeffs. So I'm sorry if you felt offended. ;-) But he married little girls to grown men and molested little boys and girls! Of course I'm gonna get ticked!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed that rant. See ya on the flip side!

P.S. - If you want to know more about Jeffs, Google the name. Or watch CNN at the right time.

I Blame the Weather for This!

I'm so freakin' sick. -_- I think it's because of the changes in the weather. Don't quote me on it, though.

Anyway, enough of my complaining. Last weekend, I got back together with a hometown favorite. I dug out my Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 tape and installed it. And I'm addicted to it! :-3 I've always been a big fan of the Rollercoaster Tycoon series. Been playing since RCT1 came out, and that was a classic game, if I do say so myself. I would try to get my RCT 1 and 2 tapes, but I don't know where they are. They fell into a -BlAcK hOlE-! Like, you know, from the Twilight Zone. Anyway, I'm want to say this real quick: The original Rollercoaster Tycoon should be considered an awesome classic. ^_^

Also, I've been playing through the campaign missions on WCIII - The Frozen Throne, so that way I can get some of my skills back. I haven't played on for a while, so my skills are rusty. :-/ (don't you hate it when that happens?) I got through the Night Elf missions, but not without some difficulty. :-( I might replay some of those missions again, because, well, I -did- hit the "allyourbasearebelongtous" code once or twice. :-X I know, I'm bad.

Now on to politics! Yesterday, I heard Bush was going to launch a probe on the recent gas price hike. Apparently, he suspects price gouging by the oil companies, and I can back up his claim a little bit. Example. my mom works at a place where they sell gas. Her employer (let's call him teh_d00d) keeps on raising the gas prices, almost weekly. Teh_d00d is making lotsa cash off of us towns people. Huck's down the street is cheaper than teh_d00d's place, and he don't care! There's something fishy goin' on here... >_> (replace teh_d00d with "Bob" and you'll read the truth. the truth i tell ya! the truth!!!!1)

Wait. Don't go suspecting I think Bush is finally getting his act toghether. I'm thinking the opposite. I think he's doing all of this so that he can laugh in our faces. Well, go on ahead Mista President. Laugh. Laugh all you want. Make all of us taxpayers dress in clown suits and laugh at us in public. Go on ahead. 'Cause when November rolls around, you won't be laughing anymore, 'cause we'll make all your GOP friends git outta office, then you'll lose control of Congress when it's taken over by DEMOCRATS. So who's laughing now, huh? Huh?! >:-D

Sorry, had to do that. Plus, I'm a Democrat myself, so how could I resist? (hee hee!) Anyway, I think you've heard enough of my blabing. Till next time!

P.S. - Wanna see all my playtime hours and some of my screenies? Check out my Xfire profile at "" Just wanted to do that real quick.

Almost... Again!

*whistles softly*

Wow. I'm almost a month late on an update. AGAIN. Oh well, at least it's *almost* one month. =D

Anyway, the big news tonight is my worst nightmare. I'm moving on to... high school. Yup. T_T That's right. I thought the day would never come. I thought... WAAAHHHH! WHY, OH WHY?! OH MI GOSH, I'M GONNA BE IN HIGH SCHOOL!! T_T

...Sorry. It's just that, I've got mixed reactions about this. You'd think I feel awesome now that I'm gonna be in high school in a few months. But I'm not. It's just... so... unbelieveable. And I don't like it!

Anyway, next: ZFN is back up. Well, not at this time because no-one-knows-why. Hmph. ZFN came back after Chris assigned me to do the updating job. And, personally, I don't think I'm doing a good job. :-/ I've got tons of homework these days, and there's also that stupid high school transition. This is so not working out. :-/

Besides that, my time's cut short. Maybe an update on Friday. Stay tuned!

Lotsa News!

Yeah, I know, I'm, what? A month late? Whoops... :-/ Sorry, I'm guess I'm not such a blog person when it comes to updating. Anyway, like I said, a lot of news.

First off, and most important, I have a boyfriend! ^_^ No, it's not "Cory" from the last post. It's another dude named Chris (no relation to Chris D. from zfn) and he's like the guy of my dreams. :-) He's nice, sweet, and so awesome! Just so I can protect his privacy, I won't say where I met him. He's my third boyfriend, and he's the best bf I've ever had. Also, I know Chris is probably reading this, so I wanna give a shout-out: HI CHRIS! LOVE YA! :-D

With the main point of this post covered, I want to move on to another point: ZFN is shutting down. Chris D. decided to pull the plug a few weeks ago, and I changed the forums about a week ago. It's pretty sad for all of us at ZFN, considering we've been used to the site for several months. Chris D. and I tried so hard to keep the ZFN alive, but we have to shut it down sooner or later. :-( Before you ask, no, this isn't the end of Chris D's keeping-sites-and-having-people-visit-and-getting-other-good-
stuff-from-having-a-site kinda stuff. He's hoping to have another site up sometime soon, something about this one program he's writing, if I remember right. So, expect me to advertise another site soon! :-]

Also, the iGunz servers are down. Not good for me, considering it's Spring Break for me starting this week. :-( They pick one hell'va time to shut the servers down for matinence. And to think I got Chris (my bf) to get into the game recently. :-/ Because I'm a big fan of the game right now, I downloaded jGunz, but it's full of Japanese-language stuff, and I can't understand most of it. :-( I wouldn't advise Chris to try out jGunz. In fact, I wouldn't advise anyone to download jGunz, unless you're either gutsy, understand Japanese, or are desperate to play Gunz while iGunz is down. (or any combination of the three)

Anyway, I'm off. Let's hope I'll be earlier for the next post. :-)


I won't name names, but some people really get me p.o.'d. Example: this one dude (let's call him Bob) called me a "n00b" on WCIII. Let me tell ya, that really made me mad. I was trying my best to be a team ally, but he kept on ordering me around like I was a slave. Then he left on me. Well, "Bob", if you're reading this, I just want you to know that you're a sniveling little squirt who is so not cool. You acted like a loser, and if you actually want to be more awesome, you'll stop acting like a freakin' dumba-- and actually start helping people out when they need it. Help improve your rep before you decide to let it go kaboom, freak. That's all the advice I'll give for a losin' freak like you. :-P

If you thought that was mean, at least I didn't give real names. There's this other freak I've met who acts like a **** to everyone. And he's administrator of some forum, I forgot which one now. Before you start pointing fingers at Chris from ZFN, no. He doesn't ban people unless they deserved it and he's always fair. He may act mean sometimes but he's nice once you get to know him. ;-) But I know that the one dude is always calling people names and always bans someone. You'd be lucky if you didn't get banned in two days. He acts like a freak, and my suggestion is to background check every administrator of a forum if you're planning on joining the place.

With the freak introduction out of the way, I'll let you in on a secret: I have a crush. Again, I don't want to name names. My fear is that he'll come around and read this. So I'll call him "Cory". I don't get crushes very often, but Cory is so cute. He's 16 and has the most beautiful face. His golden blonde hair is so awesome, his blue eyes are super cute, and the best part is his smile always makes me want to kiss him. ^_^ Cory is like the perfect boy for me. He lives over where my uncle lives, and I've talked to him a couple of times while I've been visiting my uncle. I know that he is so nice and funny and pays attention to the news, which is kinda rare these days for teenage boys. I want to tell him I have a crush on him, but I'm afraid that'll make him want to stay away from me. That's the worst part of crushes.

Anyway, I have some stuff to finish up. I'm off.
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