They are loyal to the hardcore gamer because despite the fact that games like Uncharted, GoW, and Killzone are incredibly easy to beat, are loaded with action/cinematics, and are created soley for the mainstream audience, they are definitely NOT casual games.
None of those games are "incredibly easy to beat" especially on harder difficulties. Frikkin fanboys make me sick :P.
GoW is the only one on hardest difficulty I can think of that is actually hard.
I'd like to see u breeze through those games in hardest difficulty level (heck even in hard). But you probably just see playthrough on youtube and judge them. OT: why the heck should they be loyal to hardcore gamers? What is hardcore gamer? Sony has been doing this since the PS1 and continue doing so with the PS3, that's just how they do. PS move has nothing to do with this.
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