@Thanatos2k: That is not what they have said at all.
They have come out and said that the progression was never about forcing microtransactions and they are saying this to the people who complained without even playing the game.
The people who have actually played the game have looked at the store and seen that MTs don't effect progression in any way. So the people who have played the game aren't worried about Microtransactions. the reason people who have played the game were annoyed was mainly because the towers sucked, and that is fixed now.
@lion2447: Except the game has no loot boxes. So fans cant be upset about that, becuase real fans have played the game and seen that it has no loot boxes.
@goobermcdermit: I agree with everything you said, and that is the whole thing, NOTHING in MK11 is locked behind microtransactions, everything can be found in the game. There is no pay wall.
Unfortunately many people seem to be buying into the rants of certain click bait you tubers rather than doing their own research as to what is actually in the game.
@Thanatos2k: I agree that they dont have a place in $60 games. However, the MTs in this game are nowhere near as bad as in many games that receive far less negative press over the issue.
The real problem here is that misinformed people who haven't played the game, or people who played the game before the MTs were even implemented, have complained a lot and attacked the developer without knowing what the MTs actually were.
The result is mass hysteria over MTs that are barely existent and dont effect gameplay. It is actually kind of sad.
@goobermcdermit: Except the issue here is that by not playing the game you dont actually know what microtransactions are in the game. If you actually played it you would see that they are actually barely existent. All the negative pushback surrounding the MTs in this game comes from people who haven't played it and say that the MTs are the reason they have not played it.
It is ridiculous, youre letting pure speculation stop you from playing a fantastic game where in reality monetization is barely an issue at all.
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