Well my friends are coming over tonight and I have some of my drink left over from last night. The bad thing is that I have work at 10 o'clock tomorrow. I don't care though because I rarely get to have a good night so my work can suffer instead of my social life.
robobie Blog
My friends are all boring
by robobie on Comments
It's thursday night, I have quite a lot of drink and a free house.
But none of my friends will call around to mine because there all too "tired" from last nights little party. That means instead of listening to music and having a few casual drinks with the lads, I'm drinking alone and watching "Dude where's my car?".
Anyway I got a nice t shirt and a hair cut today.
That would be me.
Thanks for reading.
Catch up.
by robobie on Comments
So now that I'm back posting I might as well fill you in on what has been happening since I stopped.
I was in a pretty big fight with two individuals on my street which ended up splitting our happy little street in two. The fight lasted for about a month and things were getting so bad that it was getting to the point were someone would get hurt. So I decided to be the bigger man and made peace with them. Everything's back to normal now but my friends showed what their really like during the conflict. Like I always say "In times of war, true colors are shown".
So I met this girl about 2 months ago and we ended up going out for about 6 weeks. Everything was going well until I found out that she was a dirty slut. I found out that she was seeing someone behind my back so I dumped that ho. I can do better than her anyway.
My cat Gypsey went missing about 2 weeks ago and we haven't seen her since. She was 12 years old. I have a feeling that she went off somewhere to die. The thing that is making me sad is that she was probably all alone when she died. I really miss her. I'm still hoping she will come home at some stage.
So I'm still working at gamestop and I'm loving working there. I thought that my work was bad but the other day my manager said that my work was great and that I am probably the best worker there... after my manager of course! I love working with the other employees there and I have made some great friends. The only thing I don't like about working there is that alot of the customers can be very hard to work with but most of the customers are really nicde.,
I bought loads of stuff lately. I got my dell laptop and a cool set of sony speakers for it.
I also got a ton of clothes for the summer but there's more rain than sun in Ireland now.
Other stuff
Pruane2forever is a legend. Seriously, everyone was giving him so much crap about his videos on youtube but hr just kept on going and now alot of people are taking him seriously. I respect him for that.
That is all
Thanks for reading
I'm back... Again.
by robobie on Comments
So I guess all of my blog readers (no one) were wondering where I have been gone for the last 5 months. Well to be honest I got very lazy for the first 3 months and my computer has been broken for the last 2.
But I bought a new notebook instead of repairing my old computer because I always wanted to be online on the move.
I got a dell mini 10v and it's pretty cool. It got delivered today and so far I'm happy with it.
In other news I'm a complete spa because today when I came home from work my brother locked me out of the house just to annoy me. I got really angry and I punched one of the windows in the door and broke it. I busted up my hand pretty bad and we have a board covering the window now. The good thing is that my parents are in paris at the moment on holidays at the moment so I'm safe until saturday. Also I broke the sitting rooms tv. So my parents haven't even been out of the country for 24 hours and already our tv and front window are broken.
I don't think me and my brother can be trusted together. Oh well, it's gonna be fun.
Thanks for reading.
So I played this cool game yesterday.
by robobie on Comments
It's called Killzone 2. Apparently it's supposed to be the best thing to happen to gaming since sliced bread. Yes sliced bread is involved in gaming. I'll leave that one up to your imaginations.
So anyway the demo, which was released in europe yesterday, has led me to believe that this game will live up to the hype and will probably be the best shooter of this gen. I have played through the demo about 10-15 times. It's just that good. I can see this being my most played demo ever. So anyway here are my thoughts.
+++Great Graphics
+++Actually feels like you are controlling a person instead of a camera
++Great A.I
++Cool Weapons
++Cool cutscenes
+Cover system is cool
+Killing helgast enemies is very satisfying
-Makes other games seem worse by comparison
Yeah that's the only negative.
So any way thanks for reading
The Comeback Blog!
by robobie on Comments
Yeah so you might have noticed that I have'nt made a blog in a month or two (could be three but I'm too lazy to go back to see). So anyway I thought I would just write a blog to tell you all, all 3 of you, about how things have been going lately.
So as you may know, I got a temporary christmas job at gamestop lately. Well you can scratch that temporary off my job title because I am now a permanent staff member. The manager thought I was doing such good work that he gave me a full job. Everyone there is very kind and we always have a good laugh. I'm pretty much the clown of the shop because I always have everyone laughing with my crazy antics. I am not allowed to serve people yet but the boss is showing me this way so I will get to talk to alot more people.
Yeah so have been buying alot of games lately. Mainly because of my staff discount. I just bought burnout paradise today. I have mainly been playing COD4 lately. Mostly online but I don't know what it is about the campaign that keeps bringing me back for more of it. I have also been playing GTA IV. Basically going on rampages. I've been playing some MGS 4 aswell to see how good it looks on my new Tv. But we'll get to that later.
Lately I have become very popular in school. I seem to be friends with everyone in my year. And to think before I only had about 6 or 7 friends. You see before I used to let people walk all over me in an attempt to get more friends. But about a year ago I got fed up of it so I just started to be a real prick to anyone who annoyed me. And amazingly that got me more friends. Maybe it's just more self confidence which has come from puberty. Hehe "puberty". Don't worry I'll mature one day.
Learning new things
Um yeah
The weather
It sucks. Irish weather. It's either hot or cold. Get used to it. And if it is hot or cold, you can be garunteed one thing. It will be raining.
Tv and Movies
Not much going on here. I saw pineapple express for the first time last thursday. It was hilarious. I love the part when he gets his foot stook in the car window. Also I bought heroes season 1 and 2 on DVD a couple of weeks back. It has now become my favourite Tv show simply because it's awesome. My favourite character would have to be Peter Pettreli. He is cool because he can use other peoples power.
Same old same old. I still like everything and anything. Kanye west mostly. His new album is great.
Other things
I got a new phone for christmas. A sony ericsson W910i. It's red. Enough said. I also got a HD Tv , some clothes and deodorants. I also got a watch but I broke it playing soccer. Hey I got another topic.
I called it soccer because most Americans think of football as American football. Am I right? So anyway I'm still playing for evergreen u16's and I have gone from a right midfielder to a forward. I got some new boots aswell. The same ones as Ronaldo (greatest footballer of all time). My best friend supports liverpool. United passed them out on the table on saturday by beating Bolton. But liverpool can pass out United tonight if they beat Everton. Lets pray they don't.
Heres a pic of me:D
Quite the poser eh?
So any way that's it.
Thanks for reading
Ipod touch
by robobie on Comments
I got an ipod touch yesterday and I love it. I was waiting all week to get it and my brother was nice enough to give me €100 towards it. I have a ton of music, videos and pictures on it but I can't get it to work with my internet. It says that I am conected to the internet but then when I go onto safari it says I am not. Can anyone help me with this problem..?
COD5... more work stuff
by robobie on Comments
So I got call of duty: world at war on Friday with my STAFF DISCOUNT!!! I got it for €48 when it should have been €60. Anyway I completed it already and it is very similar to COD4 which isn't a bad thing because if it ain't broke don't fix it. I have been playing some online but I mostly play Nazi Zombies. I love this game mode. It is brilliant and fun.
So anyway... work. I got my key card thingy during the week so I can now serve customers and stuff. I got a loan of mirrors edge during the week and I did not like it at all. It's very repetitve and there is alot of screen tear. I am helping alot more customers lately because of the christmas rush and I sold 2 wii's, 1 360 and a ds last week. Go me
So that's it for now. If anyne want's to play Nazi zombies with me online just ad me on PSN- Robobie16
Thanks for reading.
Oh and I just want to say a big thanks to the people who do comment on my blogs. It means alot to me to see that people are taking the time to read and comment on my blogs.
Work and cats(Pics)
by robobie on Comments
So works going great. I just finished my first week. I am having a great time working there and I am getting along with everyone. I am getting alot of great benefits as well such as discounts and free game loans. I am not getting paid until next week because I have to work a week in advance. It would suck if I hated working there but I don't so it's grand. So anyway I got a loan of Motorstorm 2 today and it's great. Way better than the first motorstorm.
Oh and I know have a new member of the family. His name is baz. He is a cat that just walked into my house the other day has since then taken over the place. He is very playful but none of my other cats get along with him. My hand is in bits because he keeps scratching me. But it doesn't hurt. So anyway here is a picture of baz along with two of my other cats taz and jimbob.
Jimbob is my cat. She's my favourite. But don't tell the other cats.
Yay me
by robobie on Comments
I got the job in Gamestop. I got the call on Friday saying that I got the job and that I had to go in yesterday to give my bank details and fill in some form. I have to go back in to gamestop on wedensday to be shown around and be shown what I will be doing. The manager and everyone there seems pretty cool. I will be starting work on monday week. Working 4-7, monday-thursday. I can't wait.
Oh and I got Far Cry 2 on Friday. So far I love it. I can't seem to stop playing it. The game gets alot interesting the further you get into it.
Anyway thats it for now.
Thanks for reading/
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