I am already pretty far into infamous 2 and wonder if I should just get the first one and play that after I beat it? batman I will stop playing the 2nd one and get the first and start with that. With Rachet and Clank I already started playing all for one since it came with my bundle for the PS3. If the other Rachet and Clanks are as good as this one, then I would love to buy them all.The metal gear games. Download metal gear solid 1 from the psn, buy the metal gear solid hd collection for 2 and 3 (you can skip peace walker if you want), then finally 4. The uncharted games, infamous, batman, bioshock, and god of war should be played in order too. I would recommend playing the ratchet and clank ps3 games in order but you dont have to. Just don't start with all 4 one.
rockstarinlife's forum posts
I played a little of the 2nd one and maybe I should hold off and buy the first one and play it first.Play batman Arkham Asylum 1st! It continues the story from the 1st!
Don't forget about the rock band series. They are losing their luster for most folks but my kids love 'em.cschultzivPretty sure my kids will love that as well. Guess I should take the plunge and invest in the rockband stuff as well.
This looks cool but couldnt find it for sale on amazon? I guess I should just buy it from the ps3 store and download it? Thanks for that suggestion and sure my girls will love it. They might freak out about the blood though... or laugh.. You never know...lolHey there's Castle Crashers :) That's an amazing game
Cool and I will be buying the complete set and will play those in order as well.I'd recommend playing Uncharted 1 before starting on 2. Although you wouldn't have any problem understanding the story, the characters and the relationships between them are my favorite part of that series, and you'd be kind of lost if you didn't play them in order.
I read that somewhere else that AC1 isnt really necessary and not a great game and can be skipped. Thanks and I will be picking that one up this week as well.Start with AC2, you dont need the original.
That part made me laugh pretty hard. The PS3 is not upgradable like a PC, so the tech from 2007 is the same tech it has today. Yea maybe not my best choice of words... But I meant that the game play and graphics of the game and not the system its self. Again I am new to PS3 and not a techie dude.[QUOTE="rockstarinlife"]Personally I dont want to start a 2007 game if the graphics or game play isn't up to par with 2011-2012 technology.AmazonTreeBoa
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