rockwii13's forum posts
I don't like the DS but thats just me. thats it end of the line, no need to bash the DS or the PSP. I dont care if DS is better than PSP or vice versa, I bought my PSP because i liked it's games and the media player is an added bonus. Those who bash other consoles(PSP or DS alike) for fun needs to STFU.
STFU. Star: The Force Unleashed. Um, I believe it's Star WARS: THe Force Unleashed. *Starts snickering*
It really isn't a gaming device at all, except for the two games that make it that: Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, and God of War: Chains of Olympus. I'm currently trying to beat MGS: PO, and after that I'm looking to possibly get GoW: CoO. Other than that, my PSP won't really be a game system so much as it is a MP3. But Resistance: Retribution, Final Fantasy: Dissidia, and Final Fantasy Agito XIII will give me some more game playing on my PSP.
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