rockwii13's forum posts
Well, Resistance is good, but it's really short. Burnout Paradise I havn't played. Ninja Gaiden II for the 360 was pretty fun. But I'm going to have to recommend The Orange Box. 5 games for $20? That's a no brainer. It'll keep you playing for a long time and all of the games on it are fun.
[QUOTE="PS2_Fan27"]For me it would be 2008!!!!! We have LBP, Resistance 2, Resident Evil 5, SWTFU, Killzone 2, Motorstorm 2, Home, RB2, GH:WT and all the games already out. 2008 is going to be a kickass year.AgentH
Home and LBP are coming out this year!
Killzone 2 and Resident Evil 5 don't come out until 2009.
Actually, it's illegal. Publishers will have set dates for when the game can be sold, game stores must abide by these rules or else they can face legal action. I work at a Gamestop, and that's how it works for us, and I'm positive that's how it is for everyother store that sells games. It's stores like these ones that make all the good stores look bad.Heaventorn
They didn't sell the game, they just played it.
I think you'll discover that a great number of people here don't say that Halo is good. I think you'll find that a surprising number think Halo is utterly unplayable, they hated it; Halo bankrupted them, caused their divorce, got them fired, gave them cancer, and ruined their lives. On most Halo threads, you'll find as many rabid anti-Halo nuts as you will certifiable Halo fanboys.
I thought that was World of Warcraft ,lol!
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