On its own I'd say it isn't a positive. I don't believe Tomb Raider is a big enough draw that it would make people select an XBOne over a PS4. As part of a general exclusive package it does add something. Again, as the guys in the video said, the murkiness over whether it is a "real" exclusive or not would probably negate some of the spin.
I enjoyed the SP in BC1&2 more than BF3&4, but I've enjoyed the MP in BF3&4 a lot more. Though I do agree that it is annoying in the latter how some walls are invincible for seemingly no reason.
The story above is a bit misleading, this goal didn't add first person combat, it was already going to be part of the game with boarding actions. This goal just expands that so you can have planetside battles, so its akin to a map pack expansion since the gameplay elements already exist or at least are partially underway.
For an "indie" game, it is massive, but as Slade968 stated, the major publishers spend a very large amount on their big titles. It is part of the reason why they tend to be so conservative with what they do as they need quite significant returns on their investment and they are wary of stepping outside of safe territory.
@hadlee73 I'm guessing you're referring to the use of "pills" to upgrade skills in LoU. A big difference is both Saints Row and State of Decay feature the use of real world drugs, which the Classification board takes exception to. Fallout 3 had the same problem with using morphine and had to rename it med-X so the game could be sold in Australia.
There is nothing wrong with the "wait and see first" attitude. It probably is the more sensible one. There is still the risk that the pledges might not get a game or their money back. Not to mention a lot can happen in 2 - 3 years.
However, this isn't just a pledge and then you're shut out for a year or two. Roberts and co seem genuinely committed to having supporters involved. So you're not just pledging on getting a vague idea of what the game could be, you're getting the chance to shape that game into (hopefully) something great.
rofeta's comments