I am so happy (and tired). I have spent one hour and a half on to bt it helpline trying to get my wireless internet sorted out for my room. It is finally on and i am so happy. I don't have to use my parents laptop to use the net now. It came at a price though. First of all yesterday I phoned the helpline and they said before they can do anything i have to plug my pc into an ethernet cable. This meant i had to lug my pc downstairs, Including my new monitor to the front room and phone up again. So I done this and then phoned back up the helpline. They eventually got my wireless working by remote connections after 3hrs. So I take my Computer back up stairs plug it in try my net and it doesn't work. This really aggravated me.
So today I brought my PC down stairs and plugged the ethernet in to the pc and phoned back up. They done the same as yesterday but this time i asked them if i could restart the computer while on the phone to see if the internet stops working again. So after half an hour of working on the pc i turn it off and restart it. The guy asks me if its working again and my luck says of course not try harder. So another 45 minutes past afetr occasionally speaking to the bloke while he was fixing it by remote connections and listening to the nutcracker while he put me on hold they finally figured out the problem. There was a wirelss zero function on my pc which was fighting for control with he BT card. So we siply disabled the wireless zero function and wala i'm on the net in my room. I am so relieved that the interenet finally works in my room.
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