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Fallout 3 Review! (Big one)

Fallout 3 is an amazing game.It has some freezing problems and a bug here and there but everything is easily overlooked by the quality of the overall experience.

Graphics - They are good. When I say good it's semi eye-candy goo. Character models are very good, not to mentioned the world graphics and textures. When you are outside and realize the world is freaking GIGANTIC! you get a "OH SNAP!" moment when you see that the graphics are good ALL OVER THE PLACE.

I am not speaking of puny little inside environments. I am talking about outside with marvelous landscape views,ruined cities,cities made by survivors, roads ETC ETC ETC. Inside we have underground tunnels, lots of houses and different buildings.

So yes, graphically it's great.

Sound - a part of the game that is also great. From several radio stations that are broadcast to all of the Wasteland from that calm music you have when the radio is off. Environmental sounds are also very good, ranging from wind to explosions. The guns have also a great kick to it. You have an incredible amount of guns and each one is different from the other.

I guess nothing else is worth mentioning...oh wait, I forgot one little detail. THE FKNG VOICE ACTING IS AMAZING! There is a ridiculous amount of characters and each one has a dozens of lines and each line is carefully emoted! I mean, it's so good it gets funny! It really helps the immersion, that all the characters actually respond to what you say with different levels of emotions and unique lines that will change with what you do.

Gameplay - Only thing I complain about is the jump button being the triangle, but that's nitpicking. And besides YOU CAN CHANGE THE BUTTON LAYOUT!!

What really brings Fallout 3 forward is the VATS system. This system calculates the probability you have of hitting a certain body parts and it enables you to choose where you want to fire. You select the number of shots you want to that part and press X, we have a cinematic sequence, hopefully ending in a head blown apart with all the details (you can see the eyeballs, jaw and all of the deal flying around or some limb flying to the other part of the room.

This system is innovative and it really helps the setting of a Futuristic world. And it's a plus for Console users since the crosshair is small like an ant and it's a pain to aim accurately to the head. But it's possible. Several times you will run out of points to use in VATS and you will have to finish the job out of VATS. God the gore is awesome :P

Another thing in Fallout 3 are the Perks and you know ask "Roger isn't that a rip off of COD4?". Then I will resume to slap you and kick you in the head. No, much deeper than "YOU DROP A GRENADE WHEN YOU DIE!!". The Perk system will allow you to choose an ability that will range from Health related perks,Gun related perks and etc. Each perk will do a permanent effect. You gain access to choosing a perk each time you level up. Unfortunately there is only 20 levels and the number of perks is huge.Not to meantion that certain quests will give additional "perks" that will take immediate effect.

When you level up you will also be giving 15 points (or was it 16) to distribute between your abilities. These abilities will pretty much decide how you will play. If you like Lockpicking you need to have lots of points in that. If you keep losing health you will add points to Medicine. If you are a manipulative bastard the Speech skill is the one to add points.If you want to go Snake **** points in Sneak is a smart choice.Get it? It's really great because each time you start a new game you can distribuite the points differently.

Still talking about points...We have the SPECIAL system. What is SPECIAL? Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence,Agility and Luck. You get to distribuite these when you are a baby and they will dictate what perks you will be able to use!The Stronger you are the better you are with Large guns. With more Perception you will be able to see enemies in the map when a low Perception player won't see it. Endurance will make you more resistant to hit points.Charisma will help you talk people to do what you want. Intelligence will help with medicine skills, Agility will make you faster and handier with smaller guns and Luck will make you Luckier XD Of course each one of these will have more consequences on everything.

Talking about lockpicking....Karma. You gain or lose Karma according with what you do. If you like to kill innocent people to steal them and then steal their house, your Karma will be bad. Meaning people with shot at you....all the time. The there's the God like person that does good. That person will be welcome in every city (as long they aren't slavers ) and sometimes people will give you items to thank you. Then there's Neutral Karma for the people that only care about the money. It's a really fun system that will guarantee a different gaming experience each time you play.

Guns and ammo break(and quickly) and as they get more damaged the less hit points they take. Then some merchant will steal all of your money to repair your gun to something along the lines of 49%. So repairing your guns and armour in a regular basis is necessary. Don't worry, finding a merchant isn't hard. They are pretty much in every city or village and some even travel around the Wasteland. They usually sell supplies too, like food, ammo, med kits and junk so you can fabricate your own unique weapons, but for that you need the blue prints.

Med kits?...Oh yeah! You can get addicted to chemicals. Some of this chems are used to reestablish health or to keep you away from Radiation poisoning among other things. So yeah, don't get to chem friendly like I did sometimes....

Story - wow. No srsly, it's amazing. The setting is flawless, the characters are amazing but what really leaves me without breathing are the choices you can make.

Each decision will dictate how you will do in the end and trust me...IT REALLY MATTERS if you ditched that person that asked you to escort him trough the Wasteland. The Main Quest keeps you hooked. You simply must know what will happen next. And now I will tell you this : Remember that little Karma talk we had? Well it affects the Main Quest!! If you are Bad the Main Quest will take considerable different turn. If you are Good it takes an opposite turn! Unfortunately the Main quest is small...20 hours small.

But then....SIDE QUESTS COME TO THE RESCUE! Side quests add a lot of play time to the game and all of them will help you understand the Main Quest better and the World you are in.

And then there the "unmarked" side quests. They are the ones that will act like "jobs". Some will consist in escorting people other will have you find ingredients for drugs.

AI - Nothing to talk about here...the enemies do their job...they shot, bite and claw you. Not in a very "smart" way but hey! You die if you aren't careful or Run and Gun to a group of raiders....eventually.

Physics - In 3rd person? Awful. No seriously, in 3rd person you don't walk, you hover. Fortunately the game is made to be played in 1st person.

Aside from that enemies are convincing and I have to mention this again...heads exploding? And you get to see eyeballs all over the place? Sign me in!

Fallout 3 is a wonderful game where you choose what you want to be. You get attached to your character (even if you don't get see him/her often)the second you see him/her born and you really get pulled in and almost feel what the characters is feeling. The sense of immersion if outstanding and you are compelled to play more and more.

Fallout 3 is a worthy experience that nobody should miss. It's one of those games that every rock is worth to be looked under.

My PS3 is DEAD.

My PS3 no longer reads any Disc format. It happen so suddenly!

So I was playing COD :W@W, it started loading and when it ended the screen got black. I restarted it the hard way (switch in the back), because I hold the regular power button and nothing happened. PS3 booted normally and the disc sign didn't appear. Removed it. Nothing. Restarted, nothing. Tried different formats and games, Nothing.

I am surprised on how I reacted, I thought I was going to get MAD, angry and mental, but nothing. I just got a bit sad.

I then resumed to check my warranty, and for my happiness, I still have 3 months to go!! So I already phoned Sony and already have everything I need to send PS3. Now all I need is a box (already found it) and finish backing up my Save data.

So in about 4 weeks I have a new 60GB PS3. Apparently they have a stock of 60GB PS3 to do replace other 60GB.

Fallout 3 review will be delayed for about a day or 2.

Resistance 2 Review...FINALLY!

I have finally got the "time" to come here and write my opinion on Resistance 2 (like anyone cares).

Resistance 2, the highly acclaimed sequel to one of the best PS3 launch games (for some at least). People were pumped to see WTH happens to our hero Hale, after he gets picked up by the equivalent of Men in Black of Resistance.

Guess what? I won't tell you here, but I will tell you if it's worth it, or not.

Gameplay - Not a BIG jump from Resistance but better. Tighter. I can't say much about gameplay, because I haven't played Resistance 2 in a while, so I will just say it works and it's very good in online play.

Story - The "flaw" of the game. It chokes on itself. Hey don't get the wrong idea, it's not a bad one, it actually is a logical step from R1, but I get the feeling it's more of a connection from R1 to R3 than a part of the story itself. It's like a bridge so that we can understand wtf is going on in R3. Not to mention the Cliffhanger ending. If you look away for one second, BAM you lost it. So if you are looking for a good SP experience...well you are a moron if you buy R2 for that. Besides it's like 8 hours long.

Sound - Good and kinda suck you in. Chimera growls are awesome and guns have a personality, unlike...oh lets say...Turok! When you shot a Rifle, it's a rifle, when you shot a Chimera doesn't sound like anything you ever heard and you feel happy inside. Shotgun is kinda....meh tho'.

Another very satisfying thing are the noises Chimera do when they die. Nothing better than the sound of a bullet going in a head and doing a very loud and believable sound, followed by a "GUURRUH!". Not to mention Blood Splatter sounds and squishing sounds. OH! OH! OH!! And bone breaking sounds! Oh yeah!

Graphics - Now this is a section I am very...undecided about. Campaign graphics are good with some cool parts, but then the fire effects, Bullseye rounds and all the things that have the colour yellow,orange,red and/or have smoke look AWFUL! Those effects have pixels ALL OVER THE PLACE! Bullseye round is supposed to be circular...but it's more like a square.

Smoke effects...gawd! HORRID! It would be that hard applying at least some freaking Anti-Aliasing! And the fire! OH THE HUMANITY!! THE FLAMES ARE SQUARE!!....ish.

Another thing.....blood...the blood in the floor looks like melted plastic. I swear.

Then we have Multiplayer graphics which are a downgraded version of the campaign graphics (Not by much tho).

But hey, character models look awesome.

Physics - Funniest part : water effects. Water looks like gello XD but it isn't all that bad.
In general character movements aren't bad and are believable.

AI - Chimera AI...well not sure if they are a bit dumb or if they are supposed to be like that, so I won't comment. But allie AI? mUAHHAHAHAHAHA!! DUMB *****!! The often let chimera pass by them and don't even shot at them. The only thing they do good is... you guessed it! Distracted the enemy so you can kill it.

Boss battles are Epic when it comes to size, but challenge? No. You know that boss they showed off that was bigger than buildings? Easy as taking a dump when you have diarrhea.

Online - Best part of the game, without shadow of a doubt. 60 players online? LOGICAL GAME MODES? 8 players co-op mode? Good variety of maps? Ranking system that keeps you playing?Custom items when you level up? WAIT!! What about lag?NO LAG?Wait srsly? NO LAG!? WIN!

The online mode works like....well nothing works as smooth as that. Yes I am exaggerating, but it works smooth OH SO SMOOTH!I mean...60 players no lag? On a console? That is win all over the place.

The co-op mode is also very good. It works very good in the aspect that no one can survive without the other. Medics die is they don't have fire supports, Soldiers die because the shield ammo will run off and if there isn't a doctor...RIP. The Special ops will die because he can't cover from 50 enemies and still kill them.
So team work is essential. Avoid playing with noob Medics.

The competitive mode also works good. You don't have fancy mode names like..."war" or *insert fancy name here*. You have the TDM, DM, Core Control, which is CTF and Skirmish ( a mode wher eyou fight over objectives). And they work! And above all, it's ENOUGH! You don't need some crazy variation of Core Control where you do...something. These 4 game modes are the ones you need.

So yes, R2 is a game that is worth the look, but is all depends in what you want, SP or MP. R2 is about the MP, of course, but the SP has it's moments. Fans will not skip this one.

Next up : COD:W@W or Fallout 3? You decide!

I have a really good reason for not showing up here.

Fallout 3.

Borrow it, still playing it like crazy and most of all, loving it to bits. Yes, me, loving a RPG! Crazy I know.

So new year is already here. Me and some friends went out and we watched the fireworks (while drinking champagne and Black Vodka with lemon juice. hummm tasty). Then off to the town next door to some popular disco to dance all night long! I got the 1st bus home (we all did) and got home at 8 am.

Music sucked major ass ( Those freaking summer hit remixes), but company was cool and the drinks were good (didn't get drunk because that's not the way I drink). Was a nice night indeed.

In other news, my Prince of Persia save (I assume it's the save) has a major corruption. I can't get trough an open door, and guess what?! THAT OPENED DOOR IS THE LAST DOOR I NEED TO CROSS!! GAWD!! I'll beat it again, because I really want to see the ending!

Resistance 2 campaign was short like hell!! 8 hours?! And people said Mirror's Edge was short. At least it has a very, very good only part.

Anyways, I wish 2009 is better than 2008 in any way possible. Here's to a kick ass year!

Champagne for everybody!!!

Late Christmas Present! What a surprise.

Cousin coming = Call of Duty : World at War for me :P

Oh yeah! The damn kid gave me the game and I gave him some crappy clothes! Fair switch if you ask me :P

The game is awesome from what I played so far. Except a review "soon" (After I finish PoP, COD, Play some more R2 and some COD online...Reviews...somewhere in 2009!! XD)

I am swimming in games!! W00t!

Christmas 08 Looting!! Plus other stuff and wishing a good 2009

So this year loot was pretty good. very surprised because I didn't ask for anything XD

- Resistance 2 (by NDM and his Brother. Opened before time :P Very good game. Review coming soon)

- Prince of Persia (from me to me. Excellent game, much better than I expected. Review Coming soon to)

- 215 euros total (100 from Mom and Dad, 100 from Grandma and Grandfather and 15 from some friends)

- Scarf (from my old teacher)

- DS Lite with 2 games. (yes your heard me. My bro won it in a contest and he said he didn't want he gave it to me:P)

- 3 Axe deodorants from my other Grandma (I love those things :P)

and Last but not the least

- a effin top of the final shaver (this thing is water resistant, it has an automated system that released a softening cream while you shave, rechargeable, close cut etc etc etc!! It costs like 100 euros for god's sake! My mom is freaking crazy I tell you!! The shaver is hella sexy tho' :P)

- and the usual chocolate :)

In other news, I tried the LOTR : Conquest demo and it was....AWESOME!! I am a big fan of LOTR games (loved the PS2 games) and for a while I have been waiting for a game that was similar to the ones in PS2...well Conquest is better than that. A must buy for me.

Also I will have the upcoming New year party that will be split in 2 parts due to the awesomeness of it. Basically it will be a 2 days party with a day in between to rest XD

I wish you had a pleasant Christmas and I also hope that 09 is a better t year than 09 in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE!! Especially for gaming :P

May 2009 smile upon you!

Now if you excuse me I have to shave and go to bed :P Tomorrow will be a very good gaming day again (I played so much yesterday and today that my controller shut down because the battery was dead XD)

I give you....My New Style!

So today, there I was in class, suffering from a bad case of boredom, when I looked at the window and I saw some birds fighting for a puddle of water. It was actually fun to watch them doing swift entrances in the puddle while the other one tried to keep them away.

This as nothing to do with my new sig :P But after I did got an urge to create and that was what I did.

Here it is :

I am open to critics and suggestions.

Post Number 14000!

Yap. Big number.

Cake for everyone!


Pie for everyone!

 Beer and other alcoholic drinks for the ones with drinking age!


Aple juice for the underage!

And other stuff I can't say I have :p 

Yes I am bored XD

Natural Born Gamer.Does it exist or just another urban myth?*with opinion now*

The term isn't used as much as "Hardcore Gamer" (that's another blog :P), but it is used nevertheless.

Most of the times it's used referring to someone that is naturally skilled at gaming, that can play any game, of any genre without much effort and kick ass by just playing it for a short amount of time. The other way of using it is referred to someone that was born with the fate of loving every single genre of games, but this meaning isn't the one I want right now.

What I want is an opinion of you guys. Do you think NBG (Natural Born Gamers) really exist , do certain people born with the a genetic code predisposed to kick ass in games, or NBG aren't more than some guys/gals that play alot of games, several hours a week and are used to all game mechanics and therefore get used to it very fast.And what about those people that no matter how much they play and try they keep sucking at it for all eternity?


Post your opinions here so we can discuss/laugh at/flame them :) I will post mine on the comments later. I don't want to influence people.

Something Unique just happened

I changed my avatar least a couple of years. So it's blog material XD

Also, I should be doing some "deeper" blogs this weekend or next week. I will give you a hint : "Natural Born Gamers. Nothing special.