So I've been trying to upgrade from Windows 7 to 10 and it just keeps crashing. First off, here are my specs:
CPU: Intel 3570k
Mobo: Asrock Z77 Extreme4 (which Asrock's site claims IS Win 10 compatible!)
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8 GB
I've downloaded all the Windows updates, updated my GPU drivers, CPU drivers, Mobo drivers, BIOS, everything. The Windows 10 thing even says my PC is compatible. But in the middle of the upgrade, it will BSOD with an error saying SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED. Then it'll reboot, run into ANOTHER BSOD, this time saying IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL. Then it would reboot again, and give me the option of reverting back to Win 7.
Then I try doing a clean install of Win 7, format my OS drive (which is on a SSD) and reinstall Win 7. I update everything and try the Win 10 upgrade again. This time, Windows 10 works! Hooray! For about 2 minutes at least, then it BSODs with the System thread exception error again. It gets stuck in a blue screen loop for a bit, then lets me go back to Win 7, which I do.
At this point, I am all out of ideas. I've tried Google, but couldn't find anything with my problem. Any ideas, guys?
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