Ah, I didn't go to the download page, I downloaded straight from the client. And yeah, getting into my pledged ship instead of the vanilla ship they give you was another problem, but I was able to figure it out. Its awesome so far!
rogueace127's forum posts
Okay, first impressions:
1) It's pretty cool how it seamlessly integrates with the existing Hanger module. You start the game in your Hangar, and then you board your ship to begin the simulation.
2) The graphics are awesome. While both games are technically competent, I like the art style of Star Citizen better.
3) The controls are not remappable in this version (at least not in the UI). Yaw is attached to stick rotation and roll is attached to the X axis. It's very touchy right now, so piloting and dogfighting is tricky.
4) The ships are -very- maneuverable and turn very quickly. Elite has a much heavier feel to it, so the inertia has real weight to it. This feels more like X-Wing vs Tie Fighter (at least for the ship I was flying). Very fast paced action, but still with a cool physics engine.
5) Damage on ships is modeled pretty well. I blew a wing off of a ship I was fighting and it kept going, while the wing continued on its own in another direction.
6) I took damage in a dog fight and lost engines, which resulted in my ship continuing in the direction it was already moving while all I could control were attitude thrusters. I could spin, but I couldn't stop myself from slamming into the space station I was heading towards and exploding. That was pretty awesome.
7) It's a very early build and could use some polish, but it's also very functional and most of what it's missing are features. Right now it's just free flight and dog fighting waves of enemies with a couple wingmen.
Ok, I have to be missing something, because I can get as far as the cockpit of my ship, and thats it. I press a buch of buttons (playing on 360 pad) and nothing happens. Is there a manual somewhere that tells you how to the out of the flipping hangar?
Star Citizen will probably be the bigger game in terms of size, content, and scope, but as far as immersion goes, it's got a pretty high bar to clear on the heels of Elite Dangerous. Plus they haven't even shown any gameplay for SC either.
I'm running DX11. No mods or shaders. And its definitely not the card running hot. Upon googling the problem a bit more, it seems that it happens with GTX 6-series cards, but even now there doesn't seem to be a definitive fix for it. :(
What does "bad vram" mean exactly? And yeah, this game is the only one that does that. I don't have Crysis 3 or Bioshock Infinite.
So I just got this game, and during the beginning mission where you climb the first radio tower, my game started going haywire and causing this huge glitch where grass textures would show up vertically everywhere. I could still walk around, but I would be surrounded by vertical slices of grass, rendering the game unplayable. I quit and reloaded the game, which fixed it for a while, but after a couple minutes it would happen again. Here's a few screens to show what I'm talking about:
My specs:
CPU: 3570k
GPU: GTX 670 4GB
Mobo: Asrock Z77
Any help would be great. Thanks!
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