@DrYuya: That hurts to read. I am hearing some bad things about Dishonored 2 as well. Good thing I still have my PS4 but I would prefer to play on PC. Will Devs ever care enough to make sure games are at least playable?
If gamers don't jump on this deal then they are probably just skipping the PS4 this gen. With the amount of great exclusives this system has this deal is a no brainer.
The Evil Within 2 was the one announcement that shocked me. I loved the first one and urge any survival horror fan to play it. Can probably buy it for $10 bucks or less at this point.
@RedWave247: I usually wait until games are $20. Sometimes I'll pay $30 if I am feeling impatient. That is why I wanted to know if people thought Steam would have a steeper discount on this game next week. I think I'm going to wait though as I still have a couple of games to beat. Axiom Verge is a game I always wanted to play so good looking out. I might just go ahead and pick that up.
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